Long serving parishioner awarded Benemerenti Medal

By Gregory R. Warrier
Claire Yeong Wai Chun, senior administrative staff member of the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit (CHS), was awarded the Benemerenti Medal by His Holiness Pope Francis for her long and dedicated service. The presentation took place at the end of the Mission Sunday sunset Mass. Bishop Sebastian was the main celebrant, together with Fr Joachim Robert and Fr Michael Raymond OFM Cap concelebrating.

She joined CHS as a clerk in 1972 and after working for almost nine years she was baptised on Christmas Eve 1981 by Fr Paul Decroix MEP who was then the Parish Priest.

She “thanks God for choosing and sending her to CHS to be baptised” She says she is happy “to become His instrument working among His holy priests.”

Everyone at CHS has only good things to say about our long serving Office Administrator who works tirelessly beyond the call of duty. Parishioners of CHS have seen priests come and go but our dedicated and dependently Auntie Wai is the constant factor of our parish.

Claire had earlier this year received the special Papal Blessing from Pope Francis for her service in this parish. Receiving this Benemerenti Medal is indeed the ultimate reward for her selfless dedication.

Claire has been serving the parish for 47 years and is still going strong.

The Benemerenti Medal is an honour awarded by the Pope to members of the clergy and laity for service to the Catholic Church.

The medal was originally established as an award to soldiers in the Papal Army by Pope Pius VI.

In 1925, the concept of awarding this medal as a mark of recognition to persons in service of the Church, civil and military, lay and clergy alike became acceptable.

This article was published in The Herald online on Nov 1