by Fr Joachim Robert

Exodus 12:1-8,11-14
Psalm 115:12-13,15-18
1 Corinthians 11:23-26
John 13:1-15
The Eucharist – Our Call To Communion
‘At the moment, you do not know what I am doing but later you will understand.’
Dear friends,
As we approach Holy Thursday, we are called to commemorate this whole journey or journey together with Jesus towards this whole Triduum. And today as we look at history, we know that it is the institution of the Eucharist, the institution of the priesthood and this great commandment of love that Jesus gives at the Last Supper.
And in each and every moment, dear friends, of the institution of the Eucharist, the priesthood and also this commandment to love, Jesus gives us a greater and a deeper understanding of what happened at the Last Supper.
And today too we will have the washing of the feet to recount, to remember, to recall all those events that happened two thousand years ago. And you and I participate in this celebration year after year, acknowledging that something deeper in that action that draws us closer to what the Lord wants to tell us.
And even though there has been so many times you have come to this celebration, even though so much of studies is being done towards this whole understanding of what happened at the Last Supper, we continue to grapple with this question: What it is all about?
Because we enter and immerse ourselves, dear friends, in this whole mystery of Easter. The whole mystery of the Passion, Death and Resurrection, the Paschal Mystery that we speak about.
And as we look and enter deeper into this sacred Triduum, dear friends, we are called to deepen our awareness, to move from our head to the heart to see how Jesus accompanies all His disciples. Even though they may not know or may not understand what He is teaching them, He continues to accompany them, journey together with them in every aspect of their life so that they may come to a deeper understanding of the mysteries of God.
And we take a deep look, dear friends, this whole path of synodality where the church is called to come together, walk together. It is an invitation for us to learn from one another, to dialogue with one another so that we are able to understand that whole mystery and that whole reason of what this whole passion of Jesus is about.
As we walk together, the accompaniment that Jesus speaks about is something that draws us towards Himself.
And even washing of the feet of the disciples, even though each one of them have so different in their character, each one of them have different temperaments, each one of them have different attitudes, each one of them have different ways of doing things, but the love that Jesus has for them is the same. Even though they did not understand what Jesus was doing, Jesus draws them closer to intimacy of His love. And how He does that is by accompanying with them, journeying together, walking together with them and leading them to the greater mysteries of God.
If you take a look as well, dear friends, all our sacraments, all of them have this passing down or handing over of this faith:-
Baptism you need godparents.
Confirmation you need sponsors.
Weddings you need witnesses.
Formation to the priesthood, you go through this whole process of seminary so that they can be mentored, so that they can understand the ways of God.
So we look through all those sacraments, dear friends. There is always this accompaniment of the Lord. More than physical accompaniment, the accompaniment of God in our lives.
And today as we witness the washing of the feet, and I am sure as I mentioned all the disciples have different characters, have different ways of doing things, but the Lord and His love reaches out to each one of them with love and with mercy.
And as you witness the washing of the feet later, I invite you to allow what you see to touch the depths of your heart. What actually Jesus was doing two thousand years ago somehow or rather each one of us can identify with some of the attitudes of the disciples. Perhaps our pride, perhaps our arrogance, perhaps our betrayal, perhaps our different ways of doing things and perhaps our impurity of heart. Each one of the disciples, dear friends, has something that we can resonate with.
And today, as we allow the Lord to wash our feet, let us ask the Lord to create an awareness of that love that He is drawing us into, and how is He accompanying us to the greater mysteries of God that we can truly be His disciples, be His beloved.
Each one of the disciples, dear friends, each one of them are called to be His Apostles. Only those who choose not to be part of the mission of God, the mission of Jesus, did not participate in it. And you and i are called to allow the Lord to wash our feet, to empty ourselves, to humble ourselves before Him and to allow His grace, allow his mercy to reign in our hearts.
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Click to live-stream Mass on 06 April 2023