About Us
Zone E comprises of about 53 families of both English and Mandarin speaking backgrounds, divided into three BEC’s- 1, 2 and 3. The BEC meets monthly either physically or via Zoom with strong participation from members of both language backgrounds. Throughout the year, we also organise and participate in outreach programs to engage our Zone with the community.
Our Leaders (2023 – 2025)
Zone Coordinator : Iruthaya Das
Assistant Zone Coordinator : Martin Lim
Treasurer : Shirley Lim
BEC 1 Coordinator : Jaculin Scully
BEC 2 Coordinator : Grace Bong
BEC 3 Coordinator : Philip Chin
Chinese Apostolate Coordinator : Sarah Tai / Joseph Tan
Activities in 2020
BEC Reflection Days in Jan to March Life sessions.
April onwards BEC Reflection Days was via Zoom.
Zone also led the Rosary at the Parish during the October month of Rosary.
Masses in August by Zone and Communion Service for seniors were well received. Cooked and served a meal for Agape Centre under the Advent outreach projects. Members also contributing to the projects directly through the Parish. We had 4 neophytes from Zone E who were baptised in August. Due to CMCO we could not get together to celebrate.
Some of our plans for 2020 could not be carried out because of MCO/CMCO
Plans for 2021
Outreach programs
Support St Joseph’s Home’s children adoption program
Organise outings for members – spiritual plus some fun activities
Encourage members to participate in formation programs