About Us
BECs of Zone F has all along been providing support in prayers and community service to the elderly, needy and the migrant workers in our midst. We encourage one another to join in our numerous church activities and celebrations. We encourage one another to grow in love and peace.
Our Leaders (2023 – 2025)
Zone Coordinator : Debra Jayasuria
Assistant Zone Coordinator : Emilia Cherubin Kooi
Treasurer : Betty Goh
BEC 1 Coordinator : Jessica Choo
BEC 2 Coordinator : Betty Goh
BEC 3 Coordinator : Catherine Koo
BEC 4 Coordinator : Anne Santha
Chinese Apostolate Coordinator : Anthony Tan
Activities in 2020
1. Ponggal Celebration: 18th January 2020. Zone F took part in activities lined-up such as “Milk boiling”, weaving etc
2. World Day of the Sick: 1st February 2020
3. Participating in Zone Rosary in church: 19 October 2020
4. Outreach at BE Home for Special Care: 14th November 2020
5. Outreach at BE Home for Special Care: 6th December 2020
6. Visits/Communion to the Homebound: 10th December 2020
7. Participating in Advent Christmas Carol:12th December2020
8. Christmas Cheer to BEC Members: 13th December 2020
Plans for 2021
1. Outreach Activities
2. Homebound Visits
3. Fellowship among Zone F members
( Subject to Covid situation in our community)