The Diocese of Penang has subscribed to so that ALL individuals, families, ministries, communities and beyond can access to Catholic programs, talks, movies, audios and other materials FREE within ONE-YEAR!
You can follow these steps for self-registration and subscription under the account of “Penang Diocesan Pastoral Institute”:
- Click on this link to self-register:
- Scroll down to the bottom where you see SIGN UP TODAY
- Click in the Blue Box that says SIGN UP
- On the page, ‘How would you like to sign up?’ – click on “Sign up as a Parishioner”
- While in the “Create a New Account Page” to find your parish or organisation:
- Search and type in account of “Penang Diocesan Pastoral Institute”
- The correct name will appear, just click on it!
- Create a New Account Page – for your personal individual account
- Put your name and your personal email address which have not been used before to sign up for FORMED. (You may create a new email if necessary)
- Click SIGN UP and you are logged in.
Do invite others to join so that ALL can access to movies/talks/programs, etc from FORMED together as a family/ministry/group though we are physically distanced!
In this challenging COVID-19 pandemic, may this FORMED platform help us deepen our spiritual journey as we continue to understand, live and share our Catholic Faith.