Dear Sponsors and Donors,
On behalf of the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit and the organizing team of Sharing the Gift 2020 – “Gift of Joy”, we want to convey a Big Thank You and appreciation to all of you, who had contributed generously for the “Gift of Joy” Advent project. We have achieved the donations and gifts for the children of the Pediatric Ward in the Penang GH. We truly appreciate the blessing and the support you had given us. The Gift of Joy team will proceed with the delivery arrangements on 17th December 2020 in solidarity and unity with all of you.
Thank you for making a difference in sharing the Joy of Christ!
If you wish continue your contributions, you may channel them to the remaining two projects, “Gift of Blessing” in providing school uniform for students and the “Pot Bless to Bless” for charity homes.
I thank you for your sincere and generous contributions in Sharing the Gifts you have . God bless your kind thoughts and efforts always.
God Bless,
Father Joachim Robert