Invitation to the Online Launching of Caritas Diocese of Penang

We would like to cordially invite you to join us to Pray for Malaysia and be part of the launching of Caritas Diocese of Penang on 31st of August 2021 (Tuesday) in conjunction with Merdeka Mass beginning with Rosary for Mission at 9.30am followed by Mass at 10 am. The launching will take place online at the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit Penang via YouTube which will be inaugurated by Rt. Rev. Sebastian Francis D.D., the Bishop of the Diocese of Penang.

This is an open invitation to all in the Diocese of Penang and beyond the borders of our diocese, as social mission is truly a call for all of us. Let us unite in solidarity as a nation and strengthen the Body of Christ in charity through social mission.

We invite everyone to join and be part of this significant chapter of Caritas Diocese of
Penang. We look forward to seeing you at the online launching.

“Let’s come together with One Heart, One People, One Nation and as One Body of Christ, to Pray for Malaysia”

Yours Sincerely,

Rev. Fr. Joachim Robert
Chairman of Caritas Diocese Penang