Let not your hearts be troubled

Dear Parishioners and Friends of CHS
“Let not your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me” (John 14:1)

We acknowledge that a troubled heart seems to be part of the human condition. The past weeks finds us troubled and anxious with numbers; preoccupied with the number of cases, is it a double figure or triple figure as we draw near to the evening of the day. Is it safe? Can we step out now? I guess the spread of information or misinformation on social media had not done much help or
justice to the flock. It had somehow scattered the sheep in different directions with fear.

The words of Jesus in this weekend’s gospel were to comfort, strengthen and build-up the disciples in their faith journey. He was to depart, to take leave and they had to cope with His departure. Jesus
knew that they would be scattered and would forsake Him later that same night. It was the dark hours of chaos. They were undoubtedly perplexed, confused and anxious.

“Let not your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me” (John 14:1)

These verses became the source of comfort to the disciples in their tribulation as they continued their faithful discipleship journey after the resurrection. As for us, it is a single central message of a simple trust and faith in Jesus’ words. The point of departure I am assured and convinced is that we are to begin with “believing in God”. “Trust in God, trust also in me.” Jesus offered the disciples as we are today, a rationale for having an untroubled heart. The faith we profess is grounded in the words of Jesus for us in the present and on the future; “I go to prepare a place for you … “. What a reassurance it gives to us in moments of darkness, a sense of complete confidence of God’s dwelling presence with us. We must discover that to live in the Father’s presence and to believe begins with sitting in His presence and listening to His word.

“If a man loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him’ (John 14:23).

We find these words alive at the home of Martha and Mary of Bethany. While Martha was fussing to prepare the meal, Mary “sat at the Lord’s feet listening.” Jesus mildly rebuked Martha when she was seeking assistance from Mary saying “you are worried and upset about many things, but few are needed – or indeed only one”. (Luke 10:41-42). Sometimes like Martha we can be so worried and upset about accomplishing much, that we missed that given moment that was right before our eyes… the presence of God. Martha missed the moment because she was worried, upset, resentful and perhaps envious.

We only need to step into the abiding presence, to experience the “rivers of living water”, the promise of the Father to transform our fears, anxieties and troubled hearts. There is something about waiting that make us uncomfortable at times. You may be waiting right now. Is it safe to step out into the new normal? The anguish of waiting is always a time to grow into the abiding presence. When we wait in hope, we grow in patience and perseverance for what we are seeking. In such moment of being in the Father’s presence, we would find peace, strength and contentment of living in the Father’s house.

The journey continues. It helps us to hold on to the comforting words of Jesus today. The words of Jesus are still soothing and healing for us today. When we find ourselves or when we come in contact with someone with emotional, physical or spiritual challenges, it would be reassuring to hold on these words…

“Let not your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me” (John 14:1)

Praying with you always,
Fr. Joachim Robert & Fr. Michael Raymond OFM. Cap