by David Chan
In the beginning of this year, our CHS Parish staff received news that a good friend of our then Bishop Sebastian Francis (now Cardinal-Elect at the time of writing) was hosting his son’s wedding celebration in Penang. Being a devout Catholic, he requested the wedding to be held in our Parish, with Bishop as the Main Celebrant. And, as the bride is a non-Catholic, it would be a Wedding Service.
As we were conversing and planning for the wedding, I came to know that this man (the groom’s father) owns a business empire in Singapore. I was wondering whether this would be the wedding of the year. Indeed it was! Even the wedding reception was held over 3 consecutive nights, with lavish event planning, food and arrangements, and attended by numerous guests.
1st Testimony – Gospel Parable Fulfilled
A few of us who were in direct contact with the groom’s father for wedding liturgical matters were invited for one of the wedding reception nights, alongside Bishop Sebastian. While it was a wonderful experience witnessing a grand wedding dinner, we were also trying to make ourselves less prominent by choosing a “lower” table, right next to one of the ballroom doors. As we were seated, Bishop Sebastian joined our table as well. However, when the groom’s father (that is, Bishop’s good friend) spotted Bishop, he invited him to the main table, and be seated among the immediate family. The parable of the honoured guest (Luke 14:7-11) was fulfilled right in front of my eyes. Indeed, for all who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted (Lk14:11).
2nd Testimony – From Marketplace to Holy Place
I have served in many wedding Masses/Services as a projectionist. And, typically, in a Wedding Mass/Service, the congregation comprises of Catholics and non-Catholics and even non-Christians. That is normal since naturally the bride and groom’s circle of friends would encompass people of different faiths. So, before a Wedding Mass/Service begins, it is expected to have a decent level of noise from the chattering crowd, which would go on until the celebration begins with the Bridal March.
Before this Wedding Service commenced, the groom’s father specifically requested for 3 Christian songs to be sung (they were “Shout to the Lord”, “Be Thou My Vision” and “Here I am, Lord”). I would expect that while these songs were being sung by the serving cantor team, the crowd would still be talking to one another. However, when the songs began to be played, I could hear the chattering significantly reduced. And when the “Shout to the Lord” chorus was being sung, everyone was silent, and later the whole congregation was singing along.
At that moment, I felt a great flow of anointing just flowing freely around the church. It moved me to tears. At the same time, I sensed that the Spirit was moving strongly because of one reason – the groom’s father, having insisted to have all his choice Christian songs being sung, is a no-ordinary man. Yes, he is rich, but I am referring to his spirituality. I could sense his prayerfulness and intimacy with God just manifested through the Presence of the Holy Spirit filling the entire church!
Of course, the anointing didn’t stop there. God was just moving throughout the Wedding Service!
3rd Testimony – Matriarchal Faith
After the service, I had a chance to talk to the grandmother of the groom. She was immobile and wheelchair-bound, and she had a maid tending to her. As I bent down to talk to her, she held my hand and started to give her compliments on the music, and added that she used to be an organist in her home parish in Johor. As she spoke, I could feel her love and spirit of joy and prayerfulness pouring out through her gentle voice. I could sense that she was very intimate with Jesus, and that she has brought up the family to be strong in faith. At that moment, I totally understood why this wedding was exceptionally different. It is through the matriarch who is strong in her faith that leads her family to be faithful regardless of their walk of life.
With such experience, I can say that not only the poor are blessed, but the rich who place God above mammon are blessed as well. I thank God for allowing me the opportunity to witness a lavish wedding celebration – lavish not only materially but spiritually as well. God truly lavished His grace and anointing throughout the celebration.