Just want to share something with you. In 1994 my hubby and l went on a pilgrimage with our church to Rome, Lourdes and Fatima. It was our 1st trip to Europe. However soon after we landed in Rome my hubby’s big lump in his neck turned septic and pus started to come out. That lump had been there for many years but didn’t give trouble. There was no way we could see a doctor as we were on the move all the time. We had 3 nurses in our group and they attended to him every day and our parish priest who was with us prayed over him. I was worried and scared that it might be cancer. When we reach Lourdes l went to the shrine and prayed to Mother Mary. I asked for her intercession that my hubby will live for another 15 years and l will return to give thanksgiving.
Our Lord was so kind that at the end of the 19 days pilgrimage he was still OK. The moment we landed in Penang my sons took him to LWE and they performed an emergency operation on him. After the operation l asked the doctor about doing biopsy. He said not necessary as it was only blood and pus. After that l forgot about going back for thanksgiving till the year 2000 when our church organised another pilgrimage then l remembered and together with my younger son we went to Lourdes again. I had asked for 15 years but our Lord was so nice He gave him 28 years. After 1994, my hubby took me on tours all over the world till he had his bypass in 2014.
For 20 years we really enjoyed ourselves so l thank the Lord that He gave me those extra years so l should accept and be content that he leaves me now.