A sudden and unexpected calling that woke me up to a different reality,after these many years, led me to this incredulous journey towards Baptism. I know now, of course, that awakening was the Voice of God.
Before this spiritual rousing, I only occasionally caught glimpses of God but never recognized His presence, for I don’t even understand the meaning of the word Sinner in its true context.
The calling led me to read more about Catholicism, and in time, a deep urge to call the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit. I wanted to join the RCIA.My wife gave me the greatest encouragement of course, but I knew this journey of Faith had to be taken alone.
I was introduced to a great team of selfless Brothers and Sisters, Facilitators, under the guidance of Gregory , who welcomed me with spiritual warmth.
Brothers and Sisters in Christ meant differently to me now, and everyone works in the service of God.
When I was first introduced to Father Francis Anthony and Father Joachim Robert, and having read about their even more incredible journeys toward Priesthood, my reverence for them was so overwhelming, that while in their presence for the first time, I truly acknowledged the meaning of unworthiness in myself. Thereafter, it became a joy to be in their presence,recognizing the most important office they hold.
My great Brother and God father advised me and gave me the faithful guidance and companionship that I needed towards my Baptism.
The RCIA is indeed an essential guiding path towards attaining greater Faith in God, without which one who looks for his own path to have communion with God will lose his way. For me, I had to look at the teachings in RCIA from so many different angles, some to dispel my former misunderstandings and beliefs, but most to strengthen my faith in God.
In one RCIA session,the Readings of the Stations of the Cross was personally very painful for me,imagining the torments of Jesus, Mother Mary and those in their presence. Truly made me realize these sorrows and sufferings are real experiences which we may have to endure one day, as sinners, which meant that it was even more important to make this journey of Faith towards Baptism.
The most powerful moment for me was the morning of Baptism, on the Day of Recollection.
The Readings truly pierced my heart and woke me up to the reality of my position in life in relation to God’s Plan for our salvation.The simultaneous feelings of helplessness, and the urge to get the attention of God,was for me, unforgettable.
The Rites of Baptism in the Easter Vigil Mass was the moment I was waiting for. The Spiritual Elevation I never expected made me wonder if it was too late for me, to experience the Lord’s Sacrifice in His Presence, and to receive His Body and Blood in this wonderful Holy Mass. I thought I was truly unworthy but hoped the Lord will forgive me.
I conclude, that a lifetime will never be enough to even touch the surface of understanding the Word of God, but realizing that by believing in Jesus is the First Step to take, I felt assured that whatever time I may be given on Earth, my Communion with Jesus will lead me nearer to God’s Everlasting Love.
I quote the Roman Catechism…“…that all the works of perfect Christian virtues spring from love and have no other objective than to arrive at love.”
“Glory Be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be. World without End.”