‘Look, I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my call, and open the door, I will come in to you, and have supper with you, and you, with me.’
The verse above best described on how I felt about Jesus initially. I was afraid and indecisive to open my heart to Him. And yet I still prayed to Him; and being a loving God, he answered my prayers. I still continued to serve Him and His people by attending mass, volunteer my services and joining church’s activities whenever I could. This went on for some years but still, I was not ready to accept Lord Jesus fully.
One day, while listening to Father’s homily, there was a strong calling within me to be His disciple. Right after the mass ended, I registered myself to join the RCIA. I was elated on that day for I opened my door for Him. Through the efforts of RCIA facilitators, I got to know more about Lord Jesus from the scriptures and gospels. We must have both heart and head knowledge to have a bonding with God. In one of our study on Ways of Cross, I felt and sensed His presence among us. That experience was so amazing and surreal to me.
Being a Catholic now, I am happy to be united with my Catholic family. God has plans for each of us, so just believe and follow Him.
Dearest Lord,
Thank you for being patient with me and calling me to be a part of your body. I will continue to serve You and draw closer to You through your Word and the Holy Eucharist. Thank you Lord Jesus for your love, mercy and graces to your children. God is Love, Love is God.