CHS Creative Weekend – My discovery of God’s gifting in Me

Oh gosh ….. I would not normally do this, not my style as I don’t usually do write-ups such as this. But somehow there’s an urge to share.
After a span of 2 years (due to Covid-19), finally I had the chance to break out from the ‘hiding’ shell. All activities or events involving gathering of people were put on hold, instead we were all forced to meet and gather virtually. Somehow when I saw the advert for this Creative Weekend, I knew I had to be part of this. Since I’m the assistant lead for a parish ministry (LCD Projectionist), my leader asked if I could give a sharing for the weekend. I didn’t immediately give my answer to him because I saw something that caught my interest and wanted to be a participant. And when I spoke to him about my intention, praise God that I had opportunity to sign up as a participant instead, choosing the area that I really wanted to venture into (Photography and Videography). FYI – I have had interest in this field since many years ago, but do not have opportunity to receive proper mentorship and guidance, and also ‘experts’ to share their experiences and practical knowledge.
And so the anticipated weekend came ….. wow, despite observing necessary SOPs and all (performing self test, social distancing, etc), once again we came back together as a community for such a weekend, from young to not so young. For the first time in 2 years, I really experienced God’s presence especially during the Praise & Worship sessions …. something indescribable as the experience is totally different from participating through virtual meet. The workshops were good opportunity to learn and have hands-on as well.
No regrets at all, as it’s a really well-spent weekend. The ‘fire’ of the Creative Weekend has sparked in me until I decided to ‘burn a hole in my pocket’ to invest in proper equipment so that I can continue to horn my skills in this newfound hobby and in giving back to God and to the community.
Praise and thank God