Parish News – April 5

We are pleased and encouraged to hear that so many of you are constantly reaching out to one another so generously i.e. cheering each other up, cooking, buying groceries, assisting with internet banking facilities etc. The local church has always been emphasizing on the importance of BEC and it is during times like this that we come to appreciate it more and more.
Thank you to the BEC leaders, ministry leaders and individuals who have been taking time to keep in touch, stay connected and look our for one another. Please continue to reach out to call at least 3-5 people stay connected especially who are not linked through the BEC’s.
For those who are challenged during this difficult period do reach out to your BEC leaders, CHS Covid 19 Outreach Team, Ministry of the Poor, SSVP or the parish office for assistance.
There are plenty of help available, please do not suffer in silence.
Be assured that each of your intentions and the needs of the community are being lifted up in prayer daily at our Eucharistic Celebration. Let us continue to uphold the patients and front liners of COVID 19 in prayer.
Let us do our part and STAY HOME and combat this situation together.
Note: To offer mass and urgent enquires call: 011-24186547

The team has reached out to almost 90 requests, which includes family, elderly, individuals, construction workers, migrants, refugees and institutions. The aim of the outreach is to support parishioners, BECs and anyone in need.
The team adheres to all MCO directives and takes all necessary precaution to serve those in need while ensuring their own safety. The assistance from Hypermarkets and institution striving towards contactless delivery has been encouraging but the requests for assistance have also increased.
We are in need of VOLUNTEERS. If you can help, please contact Christine: 0124025292
To the team, THANK YOU responding from your heart.
We pray for God’s protective hands to be upon all of you as you reach out in love.

The Parish Formation Team is exploring other possibilities in reaching out to parishioners so that you can be formed digitally and spiritually. We will be using the Zoom platform and the poster will be sent through social media (website, Facebook & WhatsApp). For those not familiar with these platforms, it may be an opportunity for you to explore.
1) “The Symphony of Sin”
Monday 6th April 2020; Time: 8pm
The battleground on which we wage war with our inner struggles;
indifference, sloth, envy, betrayal… Reflecting on our passion for various
types of habitual sins and dispositions, both great and small in the shoes of
different personalities of the gospel. To overcome these passions or to be in
the process of overcoming them, and to be continually engaged in the
purification of the heart.
2) Rosary Prayer
Tuesday 7th April 2020 Time: 8pm
3) “Stay Awake”
Wednesday 8th April 2020 Time: 8pm
“Stay with me, remain here with me; watch and pray.” When this life comes
to an end in weakness and sickness, when it seems interminably drawn out, when ultimately we cannot do much, and we feel useless, burdensome, and good for nothing, then prayer – this dialogue with Christ which “is the very substance and soul of the Christian life” can satisfy the heart and give
meaning to this crucial phase of life.
4) Way of the Cross
Friday 10th April 2020 Time: 12noon

Due to the stricter MCO enforcement effective 1st April 2020, kindly take note that Penang Diocesan Live Streaming for Holy Week Celebrations by Bishop Sebastian is cancelled. Other available alternatives for live-streaming masses are widely accessible at your disposal.
Bishop has graciously gifted the Holy Week Kit 2020 to be used in the family and households during the Holy Week. You may retrieve the Holy Week Kit via the following: