Parish Pastoral Assembly 2019


Our PPA last Sunday begun with a well-attended “Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament” in Church for a time of prayer and reflection. 250 parishioners participated in the Assembly representing the various age groups, BECs and Ministries. The first part of the Assembly was spent reviewing the different activities held in 2019, followed by a review of the Golden Jubilee celebrations based on the themes of Growth, Community Building, Generosity, Self-Giving and Being a Prayerful Community.

Fr Joachim initiated the second part of the Assembly, the “breakout session” based on the text Acts 2:42. He related the parish needed to model itself mirroring the early church and its growth. He touched on the pillars of Unity in Diversity, Invitation, Encounter and Mission and how we should model ourselves around these 4 aspects. It was within these structures we would lead the parish as a community to achieve the core values of Hospitality.

We had 4 breakout groups working on the “HOW’s” to achieve the 4 pillars in our planning for 2020 activities, centred around Youth, Parish Renewal, Family and Mission. The response at this session was overwhelming and full of enthusiasm. All the feedback and proposals from the group presentations will be prioritize according to the needs of the parish and will be taken into consideration for the planning of the parish for 2020.

We thank all parishioners who participated during the Assembly, sharing your insights and reflections in the group discussions. We thank the various committies who worked in the initial stages of preparations and towards the day of the Assembly. May the Lord enlighten us as we move forward towards greater glory of the parish in 2020.