CHS United in Prayer Relay & Harmony Walk 3.0: Pentecost 2021

Throughout the season of Easter, the parishioners of CHS journeyed closely together in various activities leading up to our Parish Feastday. The events paving the way towards Pentecost 2021 have truly represented unity, inclusion and diversity where we were able to reach out to each other virtually from wherever we were. The Parish expresses our sincere gratitude to all those who have participated in the events and contributed to the continued success of our Parish community.

May God enrich you with His grace for all the sacrifices endured in building His kingdom of love. Let’s clasp our hands to pray like Mary, let us stretch our hands like Jesus to embrace all and lift our hands to bless others with the gifts of Holy Spirit that inflames in our hearts. Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in us the fire of your love.