The Witness Musical – Full Video

23 March, 2020

Dear Parishioners of CHS,

Greetings of hope and joy in the Lord

As we cope with the uncertainty of COVID-19 and the Movement Control Order (MCO) during this season of Lent it gives us an opportunity to remember and reflect the accompaniment of God in our lives. During this time let us continue to pray for the patients and the front liners that are combatting the COVID 19 virus.
Last year, we celebrated 50 years of God’s amazing grace and love towards our community and in conjunction with the event we held a musical on June 1-2. The Witness musical is the story of Christ, from His birth, His death and His Resurrection through the eye of Peter.
It was an awesome experience to enter and rediscover our own story in the story of Christ, as did the 132 people who dedicated their gifts, time and talent and those who came to watch it too. So it’s with great please that the CHS Witness Musical Team shares the link of the said musical available on Google Drive.
We pray that as you watch the musical it may be a time of spiritual preparation as we gear ourselves towards the great Feast of Easter.
May the Desert of Lent lead us into the glory of the Resurrection!

With Love,
The CHS Witness Musical Team