CHS parishioners were given an exclusive training program on Urban Farming by the Consumers’ Association of Penang (CAP) at their premises on Saturday,16th November 2019.

The program started with an overall concept of urban farming and the various programs conducted by the CAP team headed by Mr Subarrow. This was followed by talks and demonstrations on planting, soil preparation, compost and growth promoter preparation.

The program was held beside the farm and participants could see for themselves the results of applying the various techniques that were demonstrated and explained. Even apartment dwellers can use vertical farming to overcome space constraints.

Paticipants were reminded of the benefits of eating home-grown food which are chemical-free, and at the same time help reduce expenditure on food. Garden waste and kitchen waste could be utilised to prepare compost for the farm.

There is opportunity for all members in the family to be involved in farming at their own home. This can be extended to include members of our BECs, neighbours and friends – a viable way of bringing about unity in diversity within BECs. More importantly, participants were made to understand the need to be accountable for their everyday waste, as well as the importance of employing chemical free methods in food preparation and day to day living. – By Christina Raj