by Fr Joachim Robert
Numbers 6:22-27
Psalm 66:2-3,5,6,8
Galatians 4:4-7
Luke 2:16-21
Theme: A New Beginning

Dear friends,
As we step into this church on this first day of the year, you and I come to invoke God’s blessings upon us. And we want the blessings of God to permeate every areas of our lives because our life, if it is not graced by God, we would not be able to sustain what we have been going through.
And I am sure the sentiments that you had, perhaps one year ago entering into 2022, that entry and that journey into 2022, perhaps you are filled with excitement, perhaps with fear, perhaps with anxiety but after journeying and accompanying that whole year of 2022, we come to a deeper realisation of the work of God in our lives. And for those events, those people, those encounters that we had in 2022, we come to give praise and thanks to God because without God all that we have gone through will have no meaning.
But as we come again this year, if I were to ask you a question, if you were to journey 2022 again, you will have more confidence in stepping into 2022. But that is not the reality. We have come to yet another year of 2023 where we are confronted with the same situation of what we experienced in 2022. And as we step into 2023 as well, we come with a certain sense of uncertainty, with a certain sense of anxiety, not sure of the challenges and obstacles that is or may be present. And we come back to seek God’s blessings that this journey of 2023 may be filled with God’s grace and mercy.
That pondering, that remembering makes us realise of the moment of God’s visitations in our lives, all throughout 2022. And we are more confident because of that one year that we have gone through, acknowledging, pondering. And being able to see the work of God in our lives, we can now be confident to take that step into 2023 with a sure and certain hope that God will be with us.
And as we look at the Gospel today, dear friends, when the shepherds heard about what is going to happen, and when they received that invitation by the angels to go and see the child wrapped in swaddling clothes, we see the shepherds hurried immediately and as the shepherds went back, they glorified God and praising God for all they had heard and seen. And you and I, dear friends, are called to be like the shepherds to go and encounter those areas of 2022 with confidence, with love and to acknowledge that God has been present in all along the way. Because if you don’t ponder like Mary, then we can allow all those experiences, all those people that God has put into our lives just pass by.
And that is why as we celebrate the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, the invitation for us, dear friends, is to ponder like Mary on all the things that has been happening. And we know as for Mary, she treasured all these things and pondered them in her heart, whereas the shepherds went away glorifying God.
Because sometimes, dear friends, when we are confronted with situations of life, we are unable to see the blessings that God has put in the path of our lives because we are so busy with so many things. And even as the shepherds came, did what they had to do, and went back praising God because they were so filled with joy, they were so filled with excitement because they were able to see the glory of God. But sometimes those glory of God that exists in our lives must also be pondered to see whether how are we molded and shaped to orientate our life to the will and the plan of God. Because only with the pondering of the word of God, dear friends, are we able to be obedient to the will and the plan of God in our lives, just like Mary. She was uncertain of the future but she had full trust and she was obedient to what God has placed in her path.
In the same way, I do not know what is the path that is set out for me. I am sure many of you not sure what are the paths set out for you in 2023 but we come as a community asking for God’s blessings to accompany us.
In the same way from teh Book of Numbers, when Moses said to Aaron:-
May the Lord bless you and keep you.
May the Lord let his face shine upon you and be gracious to you.
May the Lord uncover his face to you and bring you peace.
It is an invitation, dear friends, to not allow these obstacles and challenges of life to be removed from our lives but to allow that strength that God gives us to walk together, to ensure that the blessings of God accompanies us, in the same way we have gone through those experiences of 2022.
And we invoke God’s blessings once again on this first day of the year to come and acknowledge as we ponder more and more in the word of God in our lives, the Second Reading highlights the importance of that pondering. Because when we ponder, we come to that true acknowledgment of who we are, of our identity in God because God has sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts, the spirit that cries out ‘Abba Father.’ It is an invitation, dear friends, to rediscover our own identity in God, that God has given us the privilege to be called His children.
And we must look at our own selves. whatever obstacles and challenges, whatever doors that have been closed in our lives, we need to re-discover that we are indeed a blessing from God. And when we receive blessings from God, we need to realise that we need to share that blessing that God has given us towards one another. Because if it is a blessing that is kept, the blessing cannot grow. But if it is a blessing that is being shared, it continues to have this multiplying effect and like the shepherds, we give glory and praise to God.
That element of pondering is necessary. That element of praising God and glorifying God is also necessary. And when we take this step forward in 2023, the church gives us this example of Mary, Mother of God, who was so privilege in God. She was able to find favour with God because of her obedience, because of her total faith and trust in Him.
And let us pray, dear friends, that as we entrust 2023, as you step forward into 2023, that with all the uncertainties and challenges and obstacles that may come along the way, we know that God has our back, God continues to journey together with us in the same way of how we journeyed in 2022. Now we are more confident to acknowledge that God is truly, truly present in our lives.
And let us pray, let us pray that Mother Mary may continue to lead us through her pondering and as we ponder on our own lives as well that she may lead us to a deeper encounter of her son, Jesus, and make us grow in our relationship with Him.
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Click to live-stream Mass on 01 January 2023