by Fr Fabian Dicom

Isaiah 63:16-17,64:1,3-8
Psalm 79:2-3,15-16,18-19
1 Corinthians 1:3-9
Mark 13:33-37
Theme: Enlarge the space of your tent (Is 54:2)
I also said to you “Stay awake.” Okay. Seriously.
My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, as we embark on this sacred Season of Advent, the church invites you and me to reflect on the meaning of preparation for the coming of our Lord. The Readings today, particularly from Prophet Isaiah and the Gospel of Mark, challenge us not only to anticipate the birth of Christ but to engage in the profound and inclusive preparation that enlarges the space in the tent of our hearts and the parish community.
Prophet Isaiah in the First Reading paints a vivid picture of the people of Israel, crying out to God to intervene. “Oh, that you would tear the heavens open and come down“, they cry out. This cry is not only a plea for personal salvation. And it is important for us to understand this. It is a collective yearning for Divine Presence to transform the entire community.
So as we begin Advent, we are called to adopt a similar attitude, recognising that our preparation for Christmas is not merely about individual piety but about community renewal. I know we have prayers, we have to go for Sacrament of Reconciliation. Yes. But try this time to see this whole preparation as a preparation of a community.
The Gospel passage, Mark sets the way for this communal renewal to take place in this Holy Season, by reinforcing the importance of watchfulness and readiness. However, this vigilance is not meant to be a passive waiting but an active engagement with the world around us. Jesus urges us to watch and be alert, suggesting a readiness that extends beyond the confines of our personal lives. So in our parish community, this means enlarging the space in the tent of our awareness and concern for those who are on the margins, those who may feel excluded or forgotten.
Yesterday was the World Day for AIDS and today you have the Mercy Home collecting funds for people with HIV/AIDS. They need to be included.
Our space, our parish, our tent must have space for everyone.
Today is also the International Day for Persons with Disabilities. I must commend this parish that at least you have gone some distance in including persons. We can go even further, that when we come here, there is no more difference. We don’t turn round to look at anyone if there is a sound coming, or anyone who is different from us, and we embrace everybody. That we embrace every single person.
And every one of you belong to this community, even if you are here just for today. And wherever you are from, today you are part of this community.
So this is what it is to expand this tent. We don’t have to worry about getting everything right. Our timing, our singing, whatever it is, all our programs. Those are secondary. People are the most important. And the Advent preparation helps us to embrace one another. And I am glad that the parish has chosen this theme, the theme where the Holy Father also chosen for the Synodal Process: Enlarge the space of your tent.
The Psalmist in today’s liturgy echoes this same sentiment, pleading for God’s mercy and guidance: Lord, make us turn to you. Let us see your face and we shall be saved. Our turning towards God should manifest in concrete actions of compassion and justice towards those who are in need. That is the ‘turning to God’. And if we are overwhelmed, like many times I am, by this call, how am I going to do this?
We have Saint Paul in the Second Reading, speaking of the grace of God given to us in Jesus Christ. My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, we need to believe that we are people of grace, that the Lord gives us abundance of grace. And we need to recognise that. This grace empowers us not only to await the Lord’s coming but also to be instruments of His love in this world.
Advent unfolds as a unique opportunity to scrutinise the fabric of our parish community. How can we expand the space of our tent to embrace those on the fringes, the marginalised and the lonely? Our preparation for Christmas must transcend the familiar physical and external rituals. Extending into the very hospitality of our hearts. And in doing so, we mirror, we mirror the inclusive love of Christ, who came not for the righteous but the sinners, who came not for the healthy but for the sick.
Enlarging the space of our tent is an invitation to be a community that actively, actively, seeks out those who are in need, just as Christ sought out the lost and the broken. It is a call to be a parish that extends his arms wide to embrace the diversity of God’s people, recognising that each person, regardless of their background, regardless of the circumstances, is a beloved child of God.
Let the light of this first Advent candle we just lit just now symbolise the light of Christ breaking into our lives and our community. Let us use this Season to deepen our relationships, reach out to the marginalised and create a space where everyone, everyone, feels welcome and loved. And in doing so, our preparation for Christmas becomes not just a ritual but a meaningful transformation of our hearts and our parish community.
Finally, may this Advent be a time of authentic preparation where the space of the tent of our hearts is enlarged and our parish becomes a radiant beacon of Christ’s inclusive love. And as we move from reflection to celebration, let us seamlessly connect this sacred journey to the Eucharistic celebration where Christ’s presence continues to nourish and continues to guide us.
May the grace of God illuminate our path as we joyfully anticipate the imminent arrival of our Saviour, Jesus Christ.
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Click to live-stream Mass on 02 December 2023