02 November 2024 – All Souls’ Day

By Dcn Andrew Loh

Isaiah 25:6-9
Psalm 26
Romans 5:5-11
Mark 15:33-39

Theme: Jesus Christ, Our Hope of Eternal Life

As we celebrate All Souls’ Day today, we are reminded that life is short, life is unpredictable. We are also reminded of God’s love and mercy for us. Salvation and eternal life with God.

We also turn our thoughts towards the souls who are still in the temporal state of purgatory. Those who are undergoing that process of purification.

As we remember those we have known who have passed on, we continue with our relationship with them and our love for them by remembering and praying for them.

When we reflect on our own lives, let us be more aware that whatever we do will somehow have effects in the afterlife. We need to be accountable for our actions, our good deeds and those which we have omitted to do.

It is like two pathways. One path leads to righteousness and the other path to worldliness. But in the end, both pathways lead back to God but with different judgments.

We want to follow the Lord’s commands and we want to love God and to love neighbour and also to be righteous and holy. However, do we do what we do just to get points in heaven?

It is not a competition with others or with ourselves. Neither are we making a transaction or contract with God. What we do should flow naturally from our hearts, an extension of our true self.

Let us ask the Lord for the grace to be mindful of our transitionary state of life on earth and to look forward to eternal life and the joys of heaven.


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