by Dcn Andrew Loh

Exodus 16:2-4,12-15
Psalm 77:3-4,23-25,54
Ephesians 4:17,20-24
John 6:24-35
Theme: Jesus is the Bread of Life
The Second Reading today talks about the renewal of the mind, putting aside our old self. So what about our new self?
Putting on our new self would include a conversion of mind and heart, to be spiritually renewed as witnesses for Christ, to become Christ-like.
What does it mean to become Christ-like?
We are to take on the WWJD attitude. What does WWJD stand for? Yes, what would Jesus do. So that is the attitude of what would Jesus do.
So how can we be in the world but not of this world? How can we be holy in a secular world? A holiness that involves Christian morality and principles?
Holiness should be part of our true self, which is to be authentic minus the wearing of masks. Our true self should be part and parcel of our new self. And our new self should possess a renewed mindset:-
i) to love God;
ii) to love neighbour;
ii) to live in the moment, letting go of the past and not being anxious about the future.
Psychologist Dr Phil McGraw said this:-
Be your authentic self. Your authentic self is who you are when you have no fear of judgment or before the world starts pushing you around and telling you who you are supposed to be.
And in the Gospel we see the scenario of material food and spiritual food. Materialism and eventual eternal life.
So what are our priorities and attachments in our life?
What is our purpose?
What is our destination?
Our destination begins with our journey today.
If our destination is eternal life with God, then let us carefully choose the roads we take on this journey towards that destination.
So let us at this Mass ask the Lord for the wisdom and courage to choose the right roads that will lead to our eternal destination.
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