by Fr Joachim Robert

Genesis 12:1-4
Psalm 32:4-5,18-20,22
2 TImothy 1:8-10
Matthew 17:1-9
Theme: Prepare Me for Hardships & Blessings
Dear friends,
We celebrate this second Sunday of Lent and Lent is a moment of grace that God gives us for us to realise how we need God. With the aspect of fasting, alms giving and prayer, it draws our heart to connect with the divine of power of God and to orientate our life towards where He wants us to be.
And this situation that we see in the Gospel reading of today, the image of Transfiguration, where Jesus took Peter, James and John up the high mountain. And the high mountain is the mountain that each one of us, dear friends, need to climb so that we can listen to the voice of God in our lives.
And perhaps climbing up the high mountain can be difficult, challenging. We are faced with so many obstacles. And perhaps in that moment as well, we may feel disillusioned, discouraged, depressed. But in those moments of obstacles and challenges, dear friends, we see what happens:-
There was Moses and Elijah. He was speaking to them when suddenly a bright cloud covered them with shadow and from the cloud there came a voice which said ‘This is my Son, the Beloved; he enjoys my favour. Listen to him.
And you and I, dear friends, are called and invited to listen to that voice of God. And after hearing the voice, you see the disciples were so afraid. So afraid and overcome with fear. But Jesus comes into their life, touches them and He says:-
Stand up, do not be afraid.
And they came down to the mountain.
And here we see, dear friends, later in a while we will watch a short little video of how this person was struggling with TB and after that how she was diagnosed with Aids/HIV. And as we look at her story, I invite you to open your heart to resonate her story with your story.
Even though we may be at different phases of life, let us allow the Lord to look at people in our lives in the way that they reach out to us, in where they have become Jesus in our lives.
As you listen, resonate with that experience of Preti. And with her experiences of live as well, connect it with your own experiences and see how God has touched you, allowed you to be courageous and to step forward.
Click below to listen to homily and watch video:-
Click to live-stream Mass on 05 March 2023