by Dcn Andrew Loh

Ezekiel 2:2-5
Psalm 122
2 Corinthians 12:7-10
Mark 6:1-6
Theme: Faith in Jesus Christ
In the Second Reading today, it talks about weaknesses, persecutions and distress, all for Jesus Christ’s sake.
We are also assured that God’s grace is enough. God’s grace is sufficient for us.
Perhaps you have experienced being ridiculed for your faith or being persecuted for standing up for what is morally right. And I am sure you have experienced God’s grace, the power of God’s grace in times of weakness.
But the bottom line is this:
Are we prepared to be thick-skinned fools for Christ?
Philosopher GK Chesterton said this:
Wrong is wrong, even if everyone is doing it. Right is right, even if no one is doing it.
And the Gospel today addresses social prejudice and lack of faith.
We see the personal prejudice of the people regarding Jesus. Jesus was a carpenter and at that time, and in their minds, a carpenter was not supposed to behave that way. Or have such abilities.
We then see the consequence of their prejudice and perceptions. Their belief and their faith were affected.
So do we let our own perceptions of others mould our assumptions of them?
Do we then proceed to judge them according to our own standards?
And when it comes to faith, is our lack of faith due to our mindset and our own personal hang-ups?
Perhaps we want to rigidly box our expectations of God and of others into our own ‘SOP‘.
Let us then, at this Mass, ask the Lord for courage to stand up for what is right and to be steadfast in our faith, whatever the circumstance.
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Click to live-stream Mass on 06 July 2024