by Fr Francis Anthony

Jeremiah 20:10-13
Psalm 17
John 10:31-42
Way of the Cross Theme:-
Via Maria
Dear friends
For very many of us, the devotion to the Way of the Cross, to God through this Way of the Cross, is very touching and moving. And for very many, like the women at the 8th Station, we will mourn, we will be feeling sorry, we might even curse the soldiers and the authorities for doing it but what did Jesus say to those women?
Cry not for me but for yourselves.
He underwent all that suffering to bring life, salvation and healing for us. Not only the people of those times but for us today and for generations to come.
As Paul records it in the Book to the Philippians:-
The whole world will bend its knees because He died on the Cross and He brought salvation.
So my dear friends, as we meditate on these mysteries, and now many of you taking upon yourselves to pray privately in small groups through the Stations that are at our periphery fence, always remember you are not trying to console Jesus by going through the Way Of The Cross.
No. We are seeing that and to recognise that it is I who have driven Him to go to that state. If you can recollect all the Stations that Mary was there following, referring to the Stations that we had today, the prayers, all she could do was to follow silently.
In that silence, let us hear God speaking to each one of us individually.
In the silence, let me hear my heartbeat turning towards that Jesus who loves me.
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Click to live-stream Mass on 05 April 2022