by Fr Stephen Lim

Genesis 3:9-15
Psalm 129
2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1
Mark 3:20-35
Theme: Spiritual Kinship in Christ
It is very obvious that in the Gospel of Mark, Jesus identifies each of us as my brother, my sister and mother. Isn’t it amazing? Or we take it as just God’s word, has no impact like the ducks when it rains. Nothing touches us.
Last week, we celebrate as the Body of Christ. Today you know what we celebrate?
When we begin this celebration, flashed on your screen is on Kingship of God. Today we celebrate as God’s family, God’s household. Can you see why Jesus call each of us my brother, my sister?
This is not a propaganda. It is the essence of our church. You know we preach and talk a lot about God’s unconditional love. But we all know love is an idea that don’t exist because that which have meaning and existence is a concrete act of loving.
And what our Lord is hitting home among us is this:
We call His Nazareth home. The Holy Family, Joseph, Mary and Jesus. Really? Is that the Holy Family?
Look, slip and spill the beans.
When they were up in Jerusalem, Jesus was missing. Is that a Holy Family?
And now, in the Gospel of Mark, the shortest of all the Gospel. What it means is that Mark may not record what is not important. All he records is the most essential. That is why he is the shortest Gospel of all.
If you like to read the Gospel, pick Mark. It is the shortest. And Mark tells us, gives us a glimpse of this Holy Family. Jesus went home. Was it good? (Shakes head).
Just because He could not have a proper meal without disruption, those at home thought that He is out of His mind and they want to take charge of Him. Lock Him up in asylum.
Then comes the Scribes. They caught Him delivering those who were possessed. They say, “Jesus is possessed.“
Is that a home? Is that a home?
If it is a home, tell me why would His mother, at home, have to ask His permission to speak with Him? And to add to the confusion, Jesus asked “Who are my mother, my brother, my sister?”
He himself said those present with Him are my brother, my sister and mother.
Good morning. That is who we are to Jesus.
What it means is this:
You and I have been empowered to make obvious for all, especially for ourselves, God’s presence.
What does it mean that we are the family of God?
You know you look at reflection of, even in our media and newspaper, it is very obvious the number one sickness of humanity is not cancer or blood pressure. The number one sickness is loneliness.
I was shocked with the report of the World Health Organisation. And this loneliness is not only among our young. It is not only among our professionals. It is in every strata of our family, of our society.
You talk to those who are in their golden years. Their number one longing is not to feel isolated or lonely. Talk to professionals who are forefront, running the economy of our country. They are lonely. Talk to housewives. Those who run the family and the home. Loneliness. Talk to our youth, our students. Loneliness.
What does it mean, brothers and sisters? It means that for us to be God’s family, you and I have to make obvious where does this loneliness come from. They don’t feel belonged. They don’t feel needed. They don’t feel accepted.
That immediately focus our awareness. As the family of God, the number one focus is to make ourselves and those around us being accepted. Isn’t it true?
If you come to church and you see staring faces, some of them give you a look that can kill, do you feel accepted? This is important. This is not just etiquette. that is the essence of our life and our church, our family of God.
No doubt we get a lot of literature, analysis of empty churches in Europe. Let us not be surprised. Sit up and think.
Because what happens today in all the European Christian churches that are empty will come to us in two generations’ time. Our church will also be empty. It depends on us.
Like now. We look around. Where are our children? Yes, you may tell us the Holy Mass is the most sacred act of worship for us. There must be reverence and solemnity. But we cut out our children. If our children don’t feel they belong, that the church is a home, when they are nineteen or twenty years young, do you think they will come and feel at home? (shakes head).
What it means is this. We are God’s children. Can we be conscious that we accept one another? We accept one another.
Yes, we may have our differences and may dislike the colour of your hair or what you are wearing. Can I be human enough to accept you?
This is important. Because you see if the church is not a home where we belong, sooner or later the church will be empty.
Do you know what we call the empty churches and magnificent basilicas in Europe? The tomb of God.
Our church too will be a tomb of God. If it is so empty that we ourselves don’t feel belonged but if we ensure that we trust, we accept one another, then the church will never be a tomb. It will always be a womb.
I am sure you know the difference between a tomb and a womb. Both are empty. We know the empty tomb and a womb when it is empty, it means life.
When Jesus says you are my brother, you are my sister, you are my mother, it means we are irreplaceable for Him. We are irreplaceable for Him. This is how important we are to Him.
And to ensure that we are important to Him, it our midst He comes and gives Himself as bread, gives Himself as wine. The living Body and Blood of Christ.
Brothers and sisters, there are many things that hurt us and disappoint us. Let us not despair.
Because you just look at the family of Jesus. Surely there is a lot of heartache, pain, disappointment and failure but all the heartache, pain, disappointment and failure all lumped together cannot diminish the fact that Joseph, Mary and Jesus is the Holy Family.
Just as there are disappointment among us, and many of us are still hurting, the fact that we are hurt and disappointed cannot diminish this truth. That you and I are His brother, His sister, His mother. Without replacement.
I repeat – without replacement.
And it is only when we believe and accept this, you and I can be stepping stone for one another, to be the womb of the world where life is enhanced.
You and I can affirm and nurture each other because we are God’s children. The irreplaceable brother, sister and mother of Jesus.
This truth cannot be explained, much less to be preached. It is for you and me to experience, at this Mass here and now, and in our daily living. You and I can experience we are THE IRREPLACEABLE BROTHER, SISTER and MOTHER because this is the delight of God.
To this loving God, we praise and thank Him.
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