09 September 2023 – 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A) (Sunset Mass)

by Fr Joachim Robert

Ezekiel 33:7-9
Psalm 94:1-2,6-9
Romans 13:8-10
Matthew 18:15-20

Theme: Love One Another

Dear friends,

As we look at the Readings today, it reminds us of what we are required as Christian disciples in community building, that you and I are responsible for each other’s faith, that you and I are responsible for each other’s faith-growth, that you and I, each other, are responsible for the great growth of the community. And as we grow as a community, we are required to love one another, respect one another and to continue to show God’s presence in and among us.

And doing so, we come to a deeper realisation of what God intends for each community. And every community, I am sure, goes through some struggles, some challenges and difficulties. But what is fundamentally important is that we keep relationship at the core of everything that we do. Our relationship with one another must be reflected in our relationship with God. Because if our relationship with God is misguided, then our relationship with one another suffers.

And I am sure, dear friends, relationship is a very, very important part of our lives, an important part of community building. Close friends, relatives, depend on each other for them to grow in their holiness. Husbands and wives also allow themself to be guided by the Holy Spirit so they too can grow in this path of holiness. Teachers also have to guide their students. Parents to their children. Friends as well need to guide one another so that they are able to acknowledge where God is leading and guiding.

But very often, dear friends, in our whole sense of community building, we tend to get frustrated. We tend to hurt one another, we tend to be angry at one another, we tend to be disconnected with one another. Sometimes because of those broken relationship, our hearts get hardened. And what is expressed in today’s Responsorial Psalm:

Oh that today you would listen to his voice, harden not your hearts.

And very often, dear friends, when we allow these experiences of our past continue to harden our hearts, then we are unable to give that person a chance or allow God a chance once again. And that is why in the Second Reading of today we are reminded:

You must love your neighbour as yourself. Love answers to every one of the Commandments.

And if we as Christian disciples, dear friends, are motivated by the love that we have for God and for one another, then I am sure that we can grow as a community with the conviction that God is present among us. And let us ask ourselves, whether is it in our family, whether is it in our community, and whether is it in our church, is God present? Do we exercise our sense of being, walking in the path that God wants of us?

And the First Reading from the Prophet Ezekiel reminds us that each and every one of us are called to be sentries or watchmen, watching for one another so that each and every one of us follows the path that God wants of us rather than distracting and being strayed away. And each one of us have the responsibility to guide, to lead, to inspire and to empower. But when we are confronted with situations as such, dear friends, when we try and try and try, the Gospel gives us some pointers of how to resolve conflict or how to mend or heal relationships:-

  1. The first thing is when we have problems with one another. The first thing that we are required to do is to keep it private. We are called to go in private to see how to respond to this situation. Again very often when we are confronted with situations like this, we have to ask ourselves do we go with the mindset of trying to prove ourselves right or we are going to understand what has gone wrong and what is God asking from us.

    And sometimes, dear friends, very often many of us choose not to follow this path because it is too risky. And we do not want to take part in it because it is too painful sometimes. But if we are unable to take this first step, then dear friends like the First Reading as well, it says it is our failure to love.

  2. The second path that is given in the Gospel by Jesus is if we have trouble and we still cannot resolve, we are called to take one or two others to go along with us and to seek the truth. And when we are able to do this, dear friends, it is again not to get people to go against the other person but to also to seek the truth because when two or three are there, then the objectivity of the situation is increased. And when we are able to understand where we have gone wrong or where the others have gone wrong and both having the mindset of seeking the truth with sincerity and love, then we are able to seek the truth in love.

  3. And after that, if that too does not happen, then we are called to bring them to the community or to the church and try to find a solution again.

  4. And even that doesn’t happen, then we are called to treat them like tax collectors and pagans.

And as you look at this four steps, dear friends, each step of the way gives us the opportunity for us to seek the truth, gives us an opportunity to go through all these processes so that we are able to speak the truth in love. And even though when we treat others like pagans, when they are perhaps unable to find a solution, then we are called to pray for them. And that is why Jesus says in the last stanza of today’s Gospel:

I tell you solemnly once again: if two of you on earth agree to ask anything at all, it will be granted to you by my Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered in my name, I shall be there with them.

Even though that person does not agree with us, dear friends, we are called to pray for them and to allow them to have that change of heart and to be restored back in our community. And that is what Jesus ask us to do. And I am sure, dear friends, that this recipe that Jesus gives us is difficult. This recipe that Jesus gives us is demanding. But let us ask ourselves: Do we take the first step with the right intention, the right motivation?

And very often we move to the second and third path first before going to the first one. We choose to go and tell everyone rather than telling the person who is involved. We tell even the faith community that this person has done wrong and not done wrong. And in that too we are called to rethink and go back to the first process once again.

And sometimes, dear friends, even though we have gone through all those processes with our own genuineness of heart, with authenticity and purity of heart, sometimes we cannot resolve situations. But when that situation arises, what shall we do?

And again, all that the Gospel invites us is to trust in God’s providence. To be humble before God and trust that God’s plan is far, far greater than our plans and to listen to that voice that speaks to our heart to see how to respond.

And one of the experience, dear friends, that I had dealing with such situation was in the seminary. And when I was in the seminary as well, there are so many challenges and obstacles that comes along the way because we live in a community. And when we live in a community, disagreement arises, conflict arises and disagreement also rises. But when those situations of life very often when we allow ourselves, even though we have followed all these processes, we know that ultimately God changes, molds hearts and God allows that person to have that transformation of heart to seek the truth in love.

And sometimes, dear friends, we need to live with this tension. We need to live with this tension because ultimately all that we can do is in right conscience to do our part and we leave the rest to God.

And let us pray, dear friends, that each and every one of us who are going through some challenges and difficulties of life as such, especially in relationships, we pray that God will continue to be our guiding light, to allow God to come into those broken relationships and allow us to see the light of His presence once again so that in every relationship, God restores that hope, God gives us an opportunity to be reconciled and to have new life in Him.

Click below to listen to homily and watch video:-

Click to live-stream Mass on 09 September 2023