by Fr Fabian Dicom
Isaiah 61:9-11
Psalm 44(45):11-12,14-17
Luke 11:27-28
Today we are reminded of the profound role of Mary, the mother of Jesus, in the life of the church, especially as we commemorate the Feast or the Memorial of Our Lady of Fatima.
Now in the Readings today we find echoes, echoes of Mary’s pivotal role in God’s plan of salvation. We are called to reflect on her example as we prepare to celebrate Pentecost.
In the First Reading we hear the Prophet Isaiah proclaiming the blessings that God bestows upon His people. He speaks of rejoicing and gladness, of righteousness springing forth like a garden and of salvation and praise flourishing before all nations. Beautiful vision. And this vision of abundant blessings and salvation, my dear brothers and sisters, finds its fulfilment in Mary who becomes the instrument through which God brings forth this vision, this greatest gift to humanity – Jesus Christ, Our Saviour.
Now in the Gospel of Luke, a woman in the crowd exclaims “Blessed is the womb that bore you and the breast that nursed you or you sucked.” In this, Jesus replies ‘Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it.‘
Blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it.
Now in these words, Jesus not only honours His mother, Mary, but also highlights the importance of obedience to the Word of God. Now Mary’s greatness lies not merely in her biological relationship with Jesus but in her unwavering faith and obedience to God’s will.
Today as we commemorate the Memorial of Our Lady of Fatima, we are reminded of Mary’s appearance to three shepherd children in Portugal in 1917. Through her apparitions, Mary call for repentance. We know the message. Repentance, prayer and devotion to her Immaculate Heart. She reminded us of the urgent need of convergent and the importance of offering our prayers and sacrifices for the salvation of souls.
In doing so, she echoed the message of Isaiah, calling us to rejoice in the blessings of salvation and to share these blessings with all nations.
Now our journey towards Pentecost is the realisation of our shared identity in God. And that is why our theme in the parish is:
In God, All Are One.
And this underscores this unity. And in this unity, we find Mary. And I am so glad that we have this Memorial right in the middle of our journey, days of Novena because she is vital. We find Mary now as our companion, our guide and our mother.
Mary stands as a model of inclusivity, caring and unity. Mary exemplifies this, of inclusivity, caring and unity. She appeared not to the powerful or the learned, but to simple shepherd children.
She invites all of us, regardless of our backgrounds or status, to turn to her, to seek her guidance and to follow her example of faith and obedience. Faith and obedience only to God.
And she shows us how. She shows us how.
Let me take you very quickly through the Gospels about Mary. From her humble acceptance of the Angel’s message to her unwavering presence at the foot of the Cross, Mary’s life is marked by a deep concern for others. No doubt.
Her Magnificat that we all know by heart, which praises God for lifting up the lowly and filling the hungry with good things, in that she reflects her advocacy for the poor and the marginalised.
Now Mary’s role in nurturing Jesus and supporting Him throughout His life shows us the empowering and life-changing power of love and justice.
So just as Mary embraced her divine calling, despite the challenges, we, all of us, are called to embody compassion, advocate for those in need, work for a more just and equitable society which, my dear brothers and sisters, are fundamental. Fundamental for an inclusive, for a caring and united community.
As we prepare for Pentecost, let us turn to Mary, our mother and advocate, to intercede for us and to guide us closer to her Son.
Just as the Disciples gathered with her in prayer in the Upper Room, awaiting the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, so too let us unite ourselves with Mary in prayerful expectation.
And this expectation is not this new pouring of the Holy Spirit. We have the Holy Spirit. This expectation is to do what the Lord wills of us because He has given us the Holy Spirit.
So we wait, that we listen to Him, to His word and we know what to do.
Let us ask Mary to help us hear the Word of God and keep it, just as she did throughout her life.
May the example of Mary, Our Lady of Fatima, inspire us to be faithful disciples of Christ, ready to obey the Holy Spirit and to be led by the Holy Spirit. Let us thrive to imitate her humility, her faith and her love so that we may become true bearers of God’s blessings to the world.
Can I invite you to stand now and to pray three Hail Mary’s?
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with Thee.
Blessed art Thou among women and
blessed is the fruit of Thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, mother of God,
pray for us sinners now
and at the hour of our death.