by Fr George Vaithynathan

Isaiah 50:5-9
Psalm 114:1-6,8-9
James 2:14-18
Mark 8:27-35
Theme: God’s Will Be Done
It is quite nervous to preach in the Mother Church, in the Cathedral, (my maiden Mass here) and to preach, especially when you have a scripture scholar sitting beside you. I will try my best.
So today, the Readings talk about embracing true discipleship, authentic discipleship. It calls us to reflect what it means to be a true disciple of Jesus Christ. The Readings challenge us to consider the depth of our faith and how it translate into actions and relationships in our lives.
In the First Reading, the call to trust and suffering. In our First Reading from Isaiah, we encounter a figure who is described as a servant of the Lord, steadfast in obedience and trust despite facing sufferings and ridicule.
This servant is not deterred by personal hardship or adversity. Instead, he remains resolute in his mission, confident in God’s vindication. This passage resonates deeply with a journey of Jesus. The suffering servant in Isaiah prefigures Christ’s own path of suffering.
How does this relate to us?
For us, it is a reminder that faith often involves enduring trials and opposition. Yet, as the servant in Isaiah shows, trusting in God’s righteousness can provide strength for perseverance.
So how about us? Do I trust? Do I persevere during suffering or do I seek immediate relieves? If I am asked to suffer a little bit, do I seek other means of mediums to relief my suffering?
In the Second Reading, faith manifested in action. Saint James’ letter bring us to a crucial aspect of our faith: the connection between belief and action.
James challenges us to reflect on whether our faith is merely a theoretical faith or is it actively expressed through our actions, through our deeds. He famously writes, Saint James:
Faith by itself: If it does not have works, is dead.
This powerful message reminds us that true discipleship is not just about holding on to correct beliefs but living them out, being those beliefs in our communities. Our faith should compel us to act with compassion, justice and love towards others. In our actions, our response to the needs of the marginalised, the poor and the suffering, that our faith is truly demonstrated in this action.
In the Gospel Reading, we are asked to embrace, embracing the cross of Christ. Jesus begins to reveal the depth of His mission to His disciples, predicting His suffering and death. Peter initially struggles to understand this path of suffering and rebukes Jesus.
Do we not always go through this kind of feeling? We question God when we go through suffering. However, Jesus correct Peter, emphasising that discipleship involves taking up one’s cross and following Him.
Discipleship is not a bed of roses. It is not a place to honeymoon. It is a place to go out and to be authentic witnesses of Christ.
Jesus’ words are stark and challenging. To follow Him means embracing:-
Firstly the path of self-sacrifice.
Secondly, putting others before ourselves.
And thirdly, aligning our lives with His call, His call for us to participate in His mission in a similar commitment.
So my dear friends, all three Readings call us to a deeper understanding of discipleship.
In a nutshell:
- Isaiah teaches us the importance of steadfastness. Steadfastness and trust in God in the face of suffering, in the face of adversity.
- James challenges us to live out our faith in concrete action that reflect our commitment to Christ.
- Mark presents Jesus’ call to discipleship as a path that involves carrying our cross, that involves denying ourselves, that involves embracing the way of sacrificial love.
So as we reflect on these Readings, they invite us to examine our own lives in the light of the call to discipleship.
The first question: Do we trust in God’s plan even when faced with difficulties?
Second question that we can reflect on: Are we living out our faith in concrete actions that align with God’s commandments?
And the third question: Are we willing to embrace the cross, to take on the challenges and sacrifices that comes with following Christ?
So my dear friends, if we have strayed, we ask for forgiveness at this Mass. It is never too late to U-turn or to align our hearts with God’s commandments, with the heart of the Lord.
In our daily lives, let us strive to be like the servant in Isaiah, steadfast and trusting in God’s promises.
Let us ensure our faith is both alive and active as James instructs, showing itself through our deeds.
And let us keep up our cross with courage and commitment, following the example of Jesus.
May our participation in the Eucharist today give us the enduring strength to live out this calling of discipleship with authenticity and sufficient grace from God.
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Click to live-stream Mass on 15 September 2024