by Fr Joachim Robert

Hosea 14:2-10
Psalm 80
Mark 12:28-34
Dear friends,
Our Gospel reading and the First Reading of today invites us to reflect on this theme of LOVE. And this whole journey that we take in this time of Lent is a journey that we come to re-discover the authenticity of our love, of how we as individuals are in relationship with this God who loves us.
And the invitation that the First Reading gives us from the Prophet Hosea is that ‘Israel, come back to the Lord your God.’ It is an invitation for us to return back to that love that the Father has for us. And again, the whole reading speaks about the immense love; how Israel was showed the love, the compassion again and again by this God who loves them.
And it says, like the dew that falls down:-
I will fall like the dew on Israel. He shall bloom like the lily and thrust out the roots like the poplar.
Here it invites us, dear friends, even though we have offended God, even Israel who has offended God, the love of the Lord is sure to fall upon them, inviting us to a deeper response of our love for Him.
And the Gospel today also invites us to love the Lord our God with all our heart, with all our mind, with all our strength. And it is an invitation that has been given to us. And as we took the way of the cross just a while ago, looking at the deeper realisation of ourselves in how we have been in our relationship with God. And in that relationship, are we able to show that love that we have for God in our relationship with our brothers and sisters?
Even though things may not be as cosy as they seem, even though people have offended us, even though people have misguided us, even though we are been mistrusted, the Lord invites us and challenges us to show our love for Him in this time of Lent so that we are able to show our love for God by loving our brothers and sisters.
And I am sure, dear friends, it is a difficult path. It is a difficult journey but it is the same journey that Jesus took in saving humanity, in saving you and I.
And as we look, look deeply at our own self, in how are the areas in our lives that we have drifted away, the areas of live that we have offended Him, the areas of live when we have been distant, the Lord invites us, like Hosea, to come back. Come back, come back, come back to His fold. To come back home to dwell in His presence so that we are able to enjoy His favour.
And the Gospel too invites us, dear friends, to allow that coming home of God to be full of His love and His compassion. Only when we are able to fill ourselves with the grace and the love of God are we able to show that love towards our brothers and sisters.
And doing so, dear friends, the last line of today’s Gospel says:-
You are not far from the kingdom of God.
Each one of us, dear friends, are called to open our hearts, to embrace the love that God gives us. And I am sure in that journey of discovery, of taking a deep look, an honest look and a sincere look in our own hearts, I am sure the Lord’s warning has always been there.
The Responsorial Psalm says today:-
I am the Lord, your God, listen to my warning.
That still voice that stirs our conscience, that still voice that disturbs our conscience indeed is a warning given to us by God. Are we open to listen to Him? Are we open to allow that love to fill us so that we are able to love?
So today we pray, dear friends, as we have taken the path with Jesus in the way of the cross. Let us be reminded that each step of the way in our own misunderstanding, in our own misconception, in our own perception of things, that our hearts may grow in love to serve the Lord with all our hearts, with all our mind, with all our strength.
And if we are able to have such an attitude towards Lent, then our Lent will bear fruit because it is not because of our love. It is because of faithfulness to the promises of God in our lives. Even though it may be difficult, our faithfulness is the fruit of our action. Our faithfulness is the fruit of what we believe in, it is the fruit of what we live by.
So let us pray, dear friends, that this days of Lent will be filled with the love that we have for God. And let us use this moment of grace during this Lent that God has given to us to love Him with all our mind, with all our strength, with all our hearts.
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