by Fr Fabian Dicom

Proverbs 31:10-13,19-20,30-31
Psalm 127:1-5
1 Thessalonians 5:1-6
Matthew 25:14-30
Theme: A Call for Stewardship
This morning, I intend to contemplate or reflect on today’s Reading, at least the Gospel, within the framework of the World Day of the Poor, with a particular focus on the message conveyed by the Holy Father.
So my dear brothers and sisters, as we gather today, I believe our hearts resonate with a profound challenge set forth in today’s Readings. It is a challenge that calls us seen in the context of the World Day of the Poor, to reflect deeply in our divine responsibilities towards the marginalised and those in need.
In the tapestry of God’s word, we find the Gospel passage from Matthew weaving a narrative that summons us to recognise and employ the unique gifts and talents bestowed upon us for the sacred service of others. No more, no less.
The Parable of the Talents, where here in the Gospel talents is money. I mean in the commentary it says even one year’s wages but okay, this is money. Now the Parable of the Talent unveils a truth that transcends real monetary value. These talents rather embrace the very essence of our being. And in our context, this would be our abilities, our time, our resources, our compassion, our kindness, our generosity even our humility entrusted to us by a benevolent Creator.
The call is crystal clear, to use these gifts not for personal glorification but for the profound betterment of those who dwell in the fringes of society.
Today as we commemorate the World Day of the Poor, the voice of Pope Francis resonates in our ears like a divine trumpet, reminding us that the poor are not statistical entities but living, breathing reflections of our shared humanity. They possess faces. They possess stories. They possess hearts. They possess souls.
The Holy Father’s poignant theme for this year “Do not turn your face away from anyone who is poor“. He quotes from the Book of Tobit, Chapter 4:7. And if you get a copy of the Herald, the front page in big bold letters “Don’t look away“. That is basically summarising the theme of the Holy Father. “Don’t look away“. Now this echoes through the corridors of our conscience, summoning a personal and compassionate response to the plight of our sisters and brothers who are living in poverty and who are marginalised.
In his message, Pope Francis directs our gaze towards the inspiring figure of Tobit. And if you have some time today, just read about Tobit. You know about his son, Tobias and Angel Raphael. Now Tobit whose life exemplifies the essence of true charity. Amazing man, a charity grounded in a personal connection with those in need. Now this is the important point the Pope makes. Tobit in the face of adversity, when the odds are stacked against him, clung steadfastly to God’s commandments and engaged in acts of love and generosity that transcended the superficial. His life becomes a living testament, that authentic love knows no boundaries. That authentic love requires a personal touch.
Our world as we know it bears witness to various forms of poverty: economic, social and emotional. And therefore, indifference, economic disparities and the struggles of the vulnerable demand our attention. Demand our attention.
The third servant is condemned for not doing anything. He has been too “prudent” to take any risk. And if we translate it into our context, it could be when we are scared about getting involved. Perhaps we think all this is not meant for us. Or we are caught up with rules and regulations. We’re caught up with parish boundaries. We are caught up with whether the person is Catholic or not. And if he’s Catholic, whether he is practicing or not. So we leave everything alone like the third servant.
The Gospel, my dear brothers and sisters, does not permit us to tremble in fear or recline in indifference. Instead, it implores you and me to actively invest our God-given talents in the construction of a world characterised by justice, compassion and the unwavering recognition of the inherent dignity of the human person. The whole teaching of the Catholic church is focused on the dignity of the human person. We cannot compromise on that.
As we collectively reflect on the World Day of the Poor and the Gospel message, let us pose a question to our own hearts. And I ask myself: How are we employing our talents to bring forth justice, to bring forth compassion and transformation, change in the lives of those we are vulnerable. Are we ready to venture beyond the confines of our comfort zones and intimately engage with the poor, recognising the radiant face of Jesus Christ in them?
For in Matthew 25:40, the Lord says whatever you do to the least of my brother, my sister, you do it to me.
While preparing for my homily, I looked into my crystal ball. It tells me the future. So I looked at the future of this parish for the next 6 weeks. It tells me: Oh the next 6 weeks it is going to be practice, practice for musicals, cantatas, caroling.
Then I looked again and I was a bit distraught. The crystal ball told me: Oh time, energy and money will be spent on decorating. We are all competing to decorate the whole church. The parish house, we see a Christmas tree up there. Christmas programs for ourselves. All kinds of things.
And I was really distraught looking at it. I said: Oh my, I am going to church. Now so okay I walk in then I see the Advent program. I am going to throw away that crystal ball. We get another one. I was very encouraged to see the program for this parish. An advent program – blessing for families and beyond, the carolers are going to do, collect money for the poor. Yes. It is very good. And I encourage that. That should be the starting point only. That is the minimum, my dear brothers and sisters.
My experience here many years ago when these programs were here as well. I remember many of you sharing with me that you took this one step further or two steps further. There was a parish program to reach out to the poor for Advent. Yes. And some of you went beyond to continue. One even invited a poor family to his house for Christmas. And he told me: Father, I have never had such joy for Christmas as I had on that day. No present was good enough.
Similarly, this must be a way for us. This is the minimum when you see Juliana and her stall there with all the things ready for you to sign up. That is the minimum. That is the starting point. That is the platform.
So let my crystal ball be totally wrong. Let us not focus on all the externals. Let us focus on the call especially to reach out to people. And what better time than to start now.
The call to serve the poor is not an abstract duty designated for others. It is a personal invitation, an intimate summons directed at each one of us, inspired by the Gospel and the shining example of Tobit. Let us invest our talents wisely. Not exclusively for individual benefit and in our context, just for liturgical and parish activities but for the flourishing of the common good, beyond the parish.
May we actively seek ways to become instruments of God’s boundless love and mercy in the lives of the poor. On this sacred World Day of the Poor, the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, may the Holy Spirit be our guiding light. May our hearts like vessels of compassion be wide open to the needs of the poor.
And as we embark on this journey of love, may we, in the footsteps of the faithful servants in the Gospel, hear the resounding affirmation of the Master: Well done, good and faithful servant. Enter into the glory of your Master.
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