by Fr Stephen Lim

Acts 4:8-12
Psalm 117(118):1,8-9,21-23,26,28-29
1 John 3:1-2
John 10:11-18
Theme: Christ the Good Shepherd
‘The Lord is my Shepherd‘ conjures for us divine presence. Not just divine presence that He is around. That He has come looking for us. And that explains that Psalm 23 ‘The Lord is my Shepherd‘ is the best-loved Psalms. And it is not for ordinary Catholics or people. It is specially powerful for those who are suffering, those who are lost, those troubled, even to the extent of being in despair. That, brothers and sisters, speaks to us in volume of God’s concrete act of loving.
And the Church celebrates the Good Shepherd Sunday, as also a Sunday dedicated for vocation. Vocation is not only for those who enter the seminary or the convent. It is for all. It is to be happy as God’s children.
Why be happy? Because in our difficult circumstance, as God’s beloved children, without exception, you and I have been empowered by the Good Shepherd to make obvious God’s presence. That is the power of our vocation. You and I have been empowered in our most trying moments to make obvious, yes, He the God of life is present.
Let me translate concretely. If I am surrounded with people who are very angry. You know in Malaysia now there are many Malaysians who are not just angry. Being angry nowadays is nothing. You know what is the incurable? In addition to being angry, being empty. Angry and empty. We should not be surprised that we are in this circumstance.
As God’s children what is my vocation? What is my calling? Is this because of my circumstance is dreadful, I am happy and empty? Believe it or not, God put us here to make obvious His presence, in the midst of our despair, anger and emptiness. Isn’t that amazing?
Catholics have this power of making God’s presence obvious in our actual circumstance. That is the essence of vocation. On one hand, the Good Shepherd conjures hope, assurance of divine protection, safety and well-being. This image of Christ, of God, is ironic. Why? Simple lah. Where do we expect to see God? In our tradition, we see Him in His heavenly court. Everything is perfect, great and wonderful. But is that where we find our Good Shepherd? I don’t think so.
You know what comes to my mind when we think of the Good Shepherd? During the time of Christ, before or after, I don’t think any parent would encourage their child, son or daughter, to be a Good Shepherd. We understand why. It is not a noble profession like being a Scribe, being a Pharisee, being a carpenter. No one wants to be a shepherd.
God chose what we reject. The Responsorial Psalm sang this beautiful, lovely girls, children:
The stone rejected has become the cornerstone.
The Shepherd is a profession that nobody aspire to. Our God picked this shepherd as the icon of His love. Isn’t that an irony?
And this is where our delight in our Lord as the Good Shepherd. The message is loud and clear. Don’t expect Him to come when things are well and good and when I am in charge. You and I will meet Him face to face when everything is down and out, angry, empty and in despair. Helpless. And that is where He comes. He comes looking just for us. Isn’t that amazing?
Now this love of God is real. It is real not because our faith is great. No amount of faith can make God present here. He is present here because it is His delight to be here. You and I can experience God in the midst of our failure, emptiness and anger because He is present. He is the Good Shepherd.
In this Holy Mass, we come with trust and reliance in this God who comes when nothing is right. I invite you to close your eyes and listen to the words of this song:-
Oh, your mercy never failed me
All my days, I’ve been held in your hands
From the moment that I wake up
Until I lay my head
Oh, I will sing of the goodness of God
It’s running after meWith my life laid down, I’m surrendered now
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