21 July 2024 – 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B)

by Dcn Andrew Loh

Jeremiah 23:1-6
Psalm 22
Ephesians 2:13-18
Mark 6:30-34

Theme: Christ the Good Shepherd

In the Gospel today, Jesus addresses the need for self-care. Self-care to take a break, to reflect, to rest spiritually, mentally, physically.

Self-care is not selfishness. It is a necessity so that we can function well. It is listening to our bodies and to refrain from pushing ourselves over our limits. It is the acknowledgement that we are not perfect, that we are not self-sufficient, that we can get overwhelmed and that we need self-compassion.

Self-care means having to say ‘No‘ to others whenever necessary for our own well-being and sticking to it.

Self-care is the first step towards caring for others. We need to become healthy and rested before we can focus on others and minister to others.

Self-care may include quiet time connecting with nature, eating at proper times and repaying our sleep debt.

Verse 1 of today’s Responsorial Psalm says:-
Near restful waters He leads me to revive my drooping spirit.

We know we can always turn to our Lord, our Shepherd, who will give us the rest we need, the joy and inner peace which can only come from God.

Saint Ignatius of Loyola said this: Laugh and grow strong. 

Self-care also includes having a sense of humour, learning to laugh at ourselves and to laugh with others, not at others. It is also part of self-care.

And Saint Thomas Moore said this:
Grant me, Lord, good digestion and something to digest. Grant me a healthy body and the necessary good humour to maintain it.

Let us ask the Lord at this Mass for the grace to accept the fact that we are not super-human and that we require self-compassion always.

Click below to listen to homily and watch video:-

Click to live-stream Mass on 21 July 2024