by Fr Joachim Robert

Wisdom 2:1,12-22
Psalm 33:16,18,19-21,23
John 7:1-2,10,24-30
Dear friends,
In today’s Gospel Reading we come acknowledge how Jesus even though He was doing good, He was constantly being perceived negatively but that did not deter Him from doing what is right. Even though Jesus faced persecutions, even though Jesus was faced with so many obstacles, He was steadfast to what the Father has entrusted Him to do.
And the book of Wisdom in the First Reading highlights of what it means to be a righteous man. And sometimes righteous man suffer and go through challenges to remain faithful to what God wants of them. And for those who have been persecuted, those who have been misguided, those who have been perceived negatively, the Responsorial Psalm says today:-
The Lord is close to the broken-hearted.
And today, dear friends, I would like to invite you that as we continue with the celebration, I will stop my homily in a while and I will ask the young people to come forward to do a short little skit, to understand this one perspective of things of how it is or what it means to trust someone and what happens when that trust is broken, the sense of betrayal, the sense of wrong perception that perhaps is prevalent in every situations of our human life, whether it is in our own families, whether it is in our communities, our workplace and eve in our own self.
So as we look at this skit in a while, each one of you may take different different learning lessons from the skit. But I invite you to enter into that, to look at the skit with a heart that is able to resonate with your heart and allow that skit to touch your heart and allow the Lord to speak to you through the young people.
So, dear friends, a simple little skit gives us the importance of trusting, importance of trust in any relationship. I think in community building, trust is the most most important element.
Let us pray, dear friends, that we may continue to grow in the ability to trust one another in the way God trusts each and every one of us. And hopefully this is one area of trust that perhaps we can grow during this season of Lent.
Click below to listen to the homily and watch the video:-
Click to live-stream Mass on 24 March 2023