25 May 2024 – The Most Holy Trinity, Solemnity (Sunset Mass)

by Fr Fabian Dicom

Deuteronomy 4:32-34,39-40
Psalm 32(33):4-6,9,18-20,22
Romans 8:14-17
Matthew 28:16-20

Theme: The Holy Trinity: The Community of Love and Truth

My dear brothers and sisters in Christ.

In another part of the Gospel, you remember when Jesus asked His disciples: Who do people say I am?

His disciples answered: Some say You are John the Baptist, some say you are Elijah and others say you are one of the Prophets.

But Jesus pressed on and asked: But YOU, who do YOU say I am?

Simon Peter answered: Thou art the logos existing in the Father as His rationality and then as an act of His will being generated in consideration of the various functions by which God is related to His creation but only on the fact that the scripture speaks of a Father and a Son and the Holy Spirit, each member of the Trinity being co-equal with each other and every other member and each acting inseparably with the interpenetrating every other member with only an economic subordination within God but causing no division which could make the substance no longer simple.

Jesus looked at Simon with those eyes and said: Huh?

Let me catch my breath.

Now Jesus’ simple ‘Huh?’, that is not in the scripture, but captures our feelings when we try to wrap our minds around this profound mystery. Were some of you trying to make out what I was saying actually? No? okay.

Seriously. Sometimes preaching about the Trinity is every preacher’s nightmare. It is mine as well. Yet we hear this word ‘mystery’ from the beginning of this Mass and it is a mystery. And the mystery is that we know and yet we don’t know fully. It gets revealed to us in the process of our relationship with the Trinity.

So, yes, though it is a mystery, perhaps we can reflect on what this mystery reveals to us, about God and our relationship with Him. What does the Trinity tell us about the nature of God, and how can this understanding guide us in our daily lives?

From scriptures and from the doctrine of the Holy Trinity, this mystery reveals not only the nature of God but also the depth of His love for us, and the perfect, perfect communion that exists between God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now from this perfect communion, we learn about the essence of solidarity and our call to live in unity and support for one another. And that is going to be my focus in the homily today.

Solidarity, love and unity.

Now our First Reading from Deuteronomy reminds us of the mighty works of God who brought His people out of Egypt with signs and wonders. Now these mighty acts are a testament of God’s unwavering commitment to His people. God heard the cries of the oppressed Israelites. Today, they are represented by the refugees all over the world. And they were going through that similar experience that many refugees were going through, are going through right now.

So God heard the cries and acted decisively to free them from bondage. This divine intervention underscores the importance of standing in solidarity with those who suffer, echoing God’s example by being present and active in the lives of His people.

In our Second Reading from Romans, Saint Paul speaks of the spirit of adoption through which we become children of God, heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ. This profound truth establishes our identity and dignity as beloved children of God.

It reminds us that we are all part of God’s family. And as such, we have a responsibility to support one another. The familial bond we share with Jesus Christ, because we are the beloved sons and daughters of the Father, calls us to live in solidarity, ensuring that no one is isolated, no one is abandoned in their struggles.

And the Gospel from Matthew presents the Great Commission when Jesus instructs the disciples to go and make disciples of all Nations, baptising them and teaching them to observe all that He has commanded them to do. Now this Commandment, and it is important for us to know, this Commandment extends beyond mere evangelization. It extends beyond that.

It calls us to build a community rooted in the values of the Kingdom. This is the second part that very often we don’t get. And this includes unity, compassion, justice and love. Jesus’ mission was not only to save souls but also to bring about a community of believers who live in solidarity with one another.

Now as we reflect on these Readings, we see a clear and consistent message. Our faith in the Triune God calls us to action. It calls us to action.

We are called to embody the unity and love that flows from the communion of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. To live in solidarity means to recognise the inherent dignity of every person and to support one another in times of joy and suffering.

Now in practical terms, this means building relationships and communities where everyone feels included and valued. I know you have been hearing this throughout the days that ran up to the Pentecost and you will be hearing it over and over again because that is where we want to go.

To be a community that is inclusive, that everyone is valued, it means reaching out to those who are lonely, reaching out to those who are marginalised or oppressed and standing with them in their struggles. It means fostering a spirit of empathy and understanding, seeking to truly know and love our neighbours as ourselves.

And our faith compels us to be a source of strength and support for those who need it. How? How do we do this?

I am sure you know but maybe this story will throw some light. Imagine, in Myanmar, Burma. I read this. It is an old story, things may have changed but I doubt it very much. When I read this, it said, the story says this:

In Myanmar, Burma, you go to jail if you own a computer without permission and internet use is limited to very, very few people. If you own a modem without permission, they will throw you behind bars up to fifteen years. Imagine that. As I said, it is an old story and I doubt much has changed from the context we have in Myanmar.

Now hungry for knowledge, a university served the net at a friend’s house. The Military Junta sent armed soldiers to arrest him. He did what any young person facing fifteen years jail would do – he ran. And not like Cinderella, he took off one of the side of his sandals and threw it at the totalitarian General and the pursuing soldiers.

Terrified, he ran all the way to a nearby village where other university students and poor families lived and dashed into a house with an open door. The soldiers were right behind him.

The soldiers rounded up everyone in the village at gunpoint and the General shouted at the soldiers to look for the person with one sandal on.

In one accord, in an instantaneous wave of solidarity and strength of spirit, all the villagers kicked off their shoes, sandals and slippers. Our brave young friend who was shivering with fear quickly removed his remaining sandal as well.

And the soldiers found themselves examining all bare feet and a small mountain of footwear. The brave university student had been saved.

When we stand together, we can protect and support one another even in the face of great danger. We too are called to act selflessly and stand in solidarity with those who are vulnerable and oppressed. Just as the villagers removed their shoes to shield the young man, we too are called to this solidarity with others. And perhaps this gives us an idea what we can do, how we stand for others.

Another story. A true story also.

In 1978, a young man in New York was coming home from work. It was a cold night and he passed a beggar. The beggar asked him for a dollar to buy food. The young man ignored the beggar because he thought that the man would just use the money to buy whiskey. But when he got home, his conscience bothered him so he cooked a bowl of soup. He returned to the beggar. Without a word, he sat down the bowl of soup and walked away.

From then on, every night the young man did the same. Soon several more beggars came. So he cooked more soup. One night he brought a whole gallon jug of hot split-pea soup and set it down and turned to go home. The tough beggar got up and broke the jar of soup over the kind man’s head.

The young man was so surprised that he asked the rough beggar: Why did you do that?

The man answered: You do nothing more than to  bring food to the dogs. 

He said: Why don’t you talk to us? Visit with us? We don’t bite.

My dear brothers and sisters, we must embody solidarity in our daily lives. And this involved being present and attentive. Present and attentive to the needs of those around us, offering our time, resources and compassion.

We need to start wherever we are, whether it is the family, whether it is our work place, even here that we need to be attentive with each other and not just do our own thing because we love doing it.

It calls us to build bridges of understanding and cooperation, working together to address the challenges we face as a society. By fostering a spirit of solidarity, we create environments where everyone is uplifted and no one is left behind.

So let us remember that our call to solidarity is rooted in the very nature of God, the Father who created us in His image, the Son who redeemed us and the Holy Spirit who sanctifies us, invite us to participate in their Divine work.

As we contemplate the mystery of the Trinity, let us commit ourselves anew to the pursuit of solidarity, inspired by the perfect love and unity we see in God.

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with us all as we strive to build a more united and compassionate world.


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Click to live-stream Mass on 25 May 2024