27 July 2024 – 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B) (Sunset Mass)

by Fr Fabian Dicom

2 Kings 4:42-44
Psalm 144:10-11,15-18
Ephesians 4:1-6
John 6:1-15

Theme: Called to Live in Unity & Love and Sent to Serve Others

In our First Reading from 2 Kings, Elisha miraculously feeds 100 men with 20 barley loaves. Now this prefigures the Gospel where Jesus feeds 5,000 with 5 loaves and 2 fish, demonstrating God’s boundless generosity.

Now these miracles remind us that God transforms what seems insufficient, what seems little into abundant blessings. He is a God of abundance. Even when we see shortage or inadequacy, God sees potential for abundance.

Now this message is especially relevant as we consider the lives of our elderly and grandparents. Society often views the elderly as having little to offer. Yet, in God’s eyes, they are treasures of wisdom. They are treasures of experience. They are treasures of grace. 

Just as God multiplied the loaves, He multiplies the blessings that come through our elderly who often nourish us with their prayers, with their stories and unwavering faith. And all of us can testify to being recipients of this. I can. Very often I am encouraged, empowered when I meet someone old and say: Father, this is the only thing I can do for you. I pray for you. That means a lot to me. A lot to me.

Pope Francis in his message for this day acknowledges the deep fear that many elderly people have of being abandoned. If you have this weekend’s Herald, the first page is all about it: “Do not cast me off in my old age.” You can read the article and there is a link to the Pope’s message. It is just a short message but I really think we all must read it.

Now the Pope draws a parallel with the Psalmist’s plea. As I said: Do not cast me off from my old age. It is from Psalm 71. He makes the parallel with Jesus’ cry on the Cross: My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?

Now this fear is real and distressing, reflecting the loneliness that many elderly face today.

The story of Naomi and Ruth in the Bible which the Pope refers to in his message illustrates this fear and the power of companionship. Now just to refresh our memory of the story from the book of Ruth so we understand what the Pope is trying to say. Now the story of Naomi and Ruth begin with Naomi, an Israelite woman, who moves to Moab with her husband and her sons due to famine in Bethlehem. The sons marry Moabite women, different from her clan, these Moabite women, Ruth and Orpah.

Tragically Naomi’s husband and sons die, leaving Naomi and her daughters-in-law as widows. At that time, it is terrible for Naomi, an elderly woman, a widow, no one in the family and then she needs to go back. How would she survive? She is fearful.

And yet, while she decides to return to Bethlehem, Naomi urges her daughters-in-law to return to their family. These are young girls. To rebuild their lives, to maybe re-marry as well. Orpah leaves but Ruth remains steadfast, expressing her loyalty with the famous words that we have heard before:
Where you go, I will go. Where you stay, I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God, my God.

This is tremendous at that time. You have to understand the consequence of doing something, leaving behind your beliefs, your tradition and being faithful to this relationship with your mother-in-law. Elderly person.

Now Ruth’s unwavering loyalty to Naomi leads her to Bethlehem where she works hard to support both of them. Her faithfulness catches the attention of Boaz, a relative of Naomi’s late husband who ensures they are cared for. Now Boaz eventually marries Ruth and they have a son, Obed, who becomes the grandfather of King David. Now why I am explaining this is making Ruth an ancestor of Jesus Christ.

Ruth’s decision to stay with Naomi against all social norms brought about a new beginning and blessings for both of them.

Now this story of loyalty, breaking social norms and God’s providential care highlights the importance of inter-generational bonds and serves as a powerful reminder of the blessings that come from honoring and supporting the elderly in our lives.

Now in the article, in the message for the World Day for Grandparents and Elderly, Pope Francis also highlights how modern society often distorts reality, creating false narratives that pit generations against each other. There is a widespread, he says, misconception that elderly are a burden on society, consuming resources that should be allocated to the younger generation. This is quite evident in countries where taxes are heavy for social services and some of the society feel they are taxed unfairly just to support another group of people, the elderly.

Now this distorted perception fosters a culture of conflict and division and undermining the unity that Saint Paul speaks of in the Reading, in Ephesians.

This manipulation is evident in how the elderly are sometimes made to feel that they are a hindrance, leading them to internalise this negative view and withdraw from active participation in family and community life, even sometimes Church life.

However, just as the young boy’s small offering of loaves and fish in the Gospel was essential for Jesus’ miracle, so too are the contributions of our elderly. Essential for the flourishing of our communities, the 5 loaves and 2 fish of our lives.

Saint Paul reminds us in Ephesians that we are one body and one spirit. This unity is inclusive of all ages. The elderly are integral to the body of Christ, bringing a depth of spirituality and prayer. They are is irreplaceable. Their prayers and presence provide a spiritual backbone to our communities.

So my dear brothers and sisters, we must strive to build communities where every member, regardless of age, feels valued and included.

As we reflect on today’s Reading and Pope Francis’ message, let us turn our attention to our beloved grandparents and the elderly members of our community, all of you present here. You are the living witnesses of faith. Believe it. The carriers of history and the bearers of wisdom.

Your lives are a testament to God’s enduring love and faithfulness. I have missed speaking to some of the elderly people who have gone back to the Lord, nourished by their stories, their experience. Wonderful.

Dear grandparents and the elderly, your presence is a gift to us. You have nurtured us with your wisdom, guided us with your experiences and enriched our lives with your stories. In your prayers, you lift us up and in your steadfast faith, you inspire us.

You are not just spectators in our lives. You are the pillars that uphold our communities.

We acknowledge and celebrate your countless contributions. Your sacrifices have paved the way for future generations. Your love has shaped families and your faith has built the church.

Just as Naomi and Ruth found strength in their bond, we find strength in our connection with you. You are our treasured heritage and we honour you today and always.

Inspired by today’s reflections, let us consider practical ways to honour our elderly with empowering and loving actions which I believe many of us are already doing.

Perhaps this is an affirmation, an encouragement and maybe even a nudge for us to move forward.

Tell your grandparents, tell the elderly loved ones how much they mean to you. Simple words of love and appreciation can lift their spirits and show significant impact you have had on their life.

Spend quality time with them, whether through visits, phone calls or sharing meals. Listen to their stories. Listen and soak up the wisdom and lessons they have gathered over the years.

Ensure your elderly loved ones are part of family and community and Church events. Their presence adds richness to gatherings and helps them feel valued and connected. 

Encourage them to share their unique gifts and talents, making them active participants in our community.

And thirdly, seek out, seek out those elderly who are poor, who are marginalised, living in poverty or feeling lost and abandoned. Not only in our parish but beyond. It is incumbent upon us, mandatory even I dare say, to reach out to them, extending our care and support to ensure they feel included and valued in our communities.

I believe I am affirming also the efforts done by many of you in this parish. We need to go further. We must be advocates for people who are left there, abandoned and poor, especially the elderly, to make this one of the central ministries of our community

By taking these steps, we honour the invaluable contributions of our elderly and create a more loving and inclusive society.

As we celebrate the World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly, let us embrace the abundant grace of God and the immeasurable value of our elderly. Let us create a culture of love, a culture of respect and care, ensuring that the plea, that the plea that we hear: Do not abandon me, do not abandon me, is always met with the heartfelt response: I will not abandon you. I will not abandon you.

Let that response be quick and almost immediate.

May we follow the example of Ruth and Jesus, honouring our elderly as integral members of our families, of our communities.

May God bless all our grandparents and elderly and may they continue to bless us with their presence and their prayers.


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