29 September 2024 – 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B)

by Fr Fabian Dicom

Numbers 11:25-29
Psalm 18:8,10,12-14
James 5:1-6
Mark 9:38-43,45,47-48

Theme: Be Inclusive & Caring In Our Mission to Follow Christ

I give you a moment to catch a breath after that Gospel.

Some months ago I attended a Regional Conference for Caritas Leaders from various countries in Asia. The theme of this conference was ‘Responding to the Cry of the Earth and Cry of the Poor for Resilient and Inclusive Communities‘.

Now through the discussions and testimonies shared, it became abundantly clear that the environmental crisis is deeply intertwined with poverty. And both of these are major drivers of forced migration.

The connections between environmental degradation, poverty and migration form a connection that cannot be separated.

Now during the conference, I heard powerful testimonies and reports from Caritas Leaders particularly from countries like Bangladesh, Pakistan, Myanmar and Indonesia, and many others as well where countless people are forced to leave their homelands, either as migrants and refugees.

Now the reasons for their departure are varied. But what truly struck me was hearing firsthand accounts and seeing videos of the suffering and deplorable living conditions these people endure. It broke my heart to witness the harsh realities they face.

This experience opened my eyes even more to the plight of migrants and refugees, many of whom now live in our own country. Now understanding their stories has deepened my compassion for them, knowing that their lives have been marked by unimaginable hardship.

To help illustrate this point, I would like to share a very short video that highlights how the environmental crisis, among many, many other reasons, is affecting one particular nation.  Now this clip, though just about 3 minutes long, sheds light on how environmental devastation is driving people to leave their homes, further stressing the inseparable connection between the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor.

Let us take a moment to watch it.

Building a Climate Resilient World (Bangladesh Climate Video)

Imagine an island of silt, one kilometre by one kilometre, on a river 20 kilometres broad flowing at 12 knots. No electricity, no schools, not even a shop. No transport other than an occasional weekly boat.

No permanent infrastructure is possible here yet over 2,000 climate migrants are trying to live and survive day by day on this very island. And millions of others throughout other islands in Bangladesh.

Then comes the storms. The thin thatched roofs fly and the tin houses break. Their belongings wash away and then the very land they are standing on starts to break away, taking away their lives if they cannot find a way to leave that piece of land, the land they once called home. 

There are people who have moved 40 times over their lifetimes. These are the climate fighters adapting, migrating, then adapting again. Day after day, year after year.

(Salam’s story)

Our house was right here. We had a community of 200-250 families. We had lands, houses, graveyards, fields, schools with playing fields, and they all went under the water.

Then everyone got segregated and went to different places. I did not see them anymore. Now, the people, wherever they are, they are somehow living on their own.

So, now it is all water. All that is left now are sand.

There were a lot of houses. During floods, the water comes up to the nose. All throughout my life, in my age, since the flood of 1988, I had reconstructed my house 19 times.

So this is how I am now.

You have heard the story of one struggle, Salam’s struggle. There are hundreds and thousands of Salams who are living on these islands and the shores of the Bay of Bengal.

They are fighting for their survival daily. They are the frontliners, bearing the impact of climate change, just survive. Preservation of their life to food, be it agriculture or fishing, to health, to hope and dignity. It is their life which is at stake daily.

Now, well, there is no telling about floods, neither about us. There is no point in seeding crops. They all get washed away by the floods. Crops are gone. This is why we don’t find any peace in working. Whatever opportunity we find, we take. That is how we are living.

Even the fog comes out of nowhere. When it is too foggy, we can’t even go anywhere. 

So my dear friends, migration from countries like Bangladesh, Pakistan, Myanmar, Indonesia, is driven by a complex mix of poverty, political instability, environmental crisis and ethnic persecution. Many are forced to leave their homes due to the lack of economic opportunities, obviously, climate-related disasters or violent conflicts such as the Rohingya crisis in Myanmar. 

Others migrate in search of better education, healthcare and livelihood and fall victim to human trafficking and labour exploitation.

As Christians, we are called to hear the cry of the poor and the earth, recognising that migration often stamps from the injustices they face. Our response must be one of solidarity, welcoming the stranger and advocating for the protection of their dignity.

Pope Francis’ message for the 110th World Day of Migrants and Refugees. In his message he emphasises this. The theme of it is ‘God walks with His people‘. And especially migrants and refugees who he likened to be like the Israelites on their exodus journey from slavery to freedom, he highlights that migrants today often face similar hardships, oppression, hunger, exhaustion and despair. But God is present with them, guiding and protecting them as He did with His people in the desert.

Now Pope Francis stresses that encountering migrants is an opportunity to encounter Christ himself, who identifies with the poor, who identifies with the marginalised and the vulnerable. He calls all of us to recognise the face of Jesus in those in need, as described in Matthew Chapter 25: I was a stranger and you welcomed me.

Now this encounter is not only a moral duty but a moment of salvation.

Today’s Readings and the celebration of the World Day of Migrants and Refugees remind us of a central truth in our faith. God’s love knows no boundaries and neither should ours.

The Readings might seem disconnected at a first glance but together, they weave a powerful message, one of inclusivity, one of justice and the need to care for the most vulnerable among us, especially migrants and refugees.

In our First Reading from Numbers, introduces us to the story of Eldad and Medad, who though not in the assembly, received the spirit of God and begin to prophesy.

Now Joshua, concerned that they are acting outside of the established boundaries, we are very accustomed to boundaries, now asked Moses to stop them. But Moses response with great insight:-
If only the whole of the people of the Lord were prophets and the Lord gave His spirit to all of them.

This passage challenges us to think beyond our narrow definitions of who belongs and who doesn’t. Eldad and Medad received the spirit outside of the expected circle, reminding us that God’s spirit flows freely, without boundaries.

Today as we reflect on the plight of migrants and refugees, we are called to recognise that God is working among them too. We are terribly influenced by prejudice and the terrible narratives that we constantly hear and have formed for ourselves.

God’s love and spirit know no boundaries of nationality, ethnicity or status. As followers of Jesus, neither should ours.

In the letter of James, brings us face to face with the harsh truth. The cries of the oppressed rise to heaven. Listen to the wages that you kept back, calling out, realise that the cries of the reapers have reached the ears of the Lord of hosts. The words of James.

These words resonate in a world where so many are exploited, especially migrants and refugees. They are often the ones working in fields, factories and homes, sometimes unseen, unheard and unprotected.

Just last week I spoke to a lady, a refugee lady from a particular country who lives in Kuala Lumpur. I have been in touch with her for a while. She is a refugee, she left her country because of persecution, she is acknowledged and she has a UNHCR card which makes her a legal refugee in our country. Yet, this is what happened among many things that had happened to her.

She related an incident where while she was on the road in Kuala Lumpur, traffic cops stopped her and harassed her and tried to get fresh with her. They bundled her into the car, took her to a lonely spot.

But thank God she was able to contact somebody and a good Samaritan came. And when they felt that they couldn’t pursued further, they even tried to extort her. And we hear many stories of the many people who are supposed to protect us taking advantage of the vulnerable and the poor.

Fr Simon Anand who is a parish priest in Kampar can testify that the migrants who come to his church, as they leave, just leave and go out to the main road, they are accosted by our so-called rule keepers and authorities. They help themselves to their earnings as well.

How easy it is to close our eyes to their plight? Yet James does not let us off the hook. He calls us to account for how we treat the vulnerable. Injustice thrives, my dear brothers and sisters, when we ignore it. And indifference becomes a kind of silent approval.

In light of this, we need to ask ourselves:
Are we complicit in systems that exploit the poor?
Are we as individuals, as church and as society, turning a blind eye to the sufferings of migrants and refugees who are often caught in cycles of exploitation?

And we come to the Gospel, a radical inclusivity of the Gospel. In today’s Gospel, John tells Jesus that they tried to stop someone from casting out demons in His name because he was not part of their group.

Jesus response:
You must not stop him. No one who works a miracle in my name is likely to speak evil of me. Anyone who is not against us is for us.

Now this passage is a powerful reminder of the inclusivity of the Gospel. Like the disciples, we sometimes want to draw lines between who is in and who is out.

But Jesus calls us to radical openness, to see Christ in every one especially in those we might be tempted to exclude. This inclusivity that we are working on in the parish, let it be not just for the parish alone. 

As it is, the migrants have to share today with the blessing of our Lady and the Parish Assembly. So many things are happening in the parish. And the migrant issue which is one of the most important things that the Pope is telling us, important for the whole world, is just one of it.

In today’s world, migrants and refugees are often the ones we fail to welcome. And yet Jesus tells us that welcoming the stranger is welcoming Him. Very clearly in the Gospels.

When we encounter migrants, we encounter Christ himself.

This weekend, there is a big program in the church in Kampar, the Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. And Fr Simon has done brilliant work with the migrants. And I have been there as well, I have celebrated their Feast Day not very long ago. And you would think how well the migrants have integrated into the parish where you don’t see the difference anymore. Fantastic work this young priest has done. And I take my hat off to him. He is very daring, he is very inclusive. He has done a lot.

So my dear brothers and sisters, as we gather to celebrate the Eucharist today, we are reminded that we are a pilgrim people, journeying together towards the fullness of God’s kingdom. Migrants and refugees are part of that journey, not as outsiders but as integral members of the body of Christ.

When we think about migration, let us not see it in terms of statics and policies but as a human story. Migrants are families torn apart by war, parents looking for a future for their children, individuals seeking safety and dignity. Their journey is our journey because in the eyes of God, there are no foreigners.

As we conclude, let us embrace the truth that God’s love knows no boundaries. The cries of migrants and refugees remind us of our calling to respond with compassion and action.

Today, let us commit to one: Welcoming the stranger. Open our hearts and communities to those seeking refuge, recognising Christ in them.

Two: Let us commit to advocating for justice. Speak out against injustices faced by migrants. Challenging systems that exploit them. Let us commit to taking action. Engage with local organisations. There are many organisiations, especially in Penang, to support migrants and refugees through volunteering or donations. We even have Migrant Ministries in the Diocese, in the country, under the church.

And finally, we commit ourselves to praying for healing and hope. Pray for migrants and for ourselves that we may be moved to action.

As we celebrate the Eucharist, let us remember that we are all part of a shared journey. May we be bold and courageous in our love and faithful in our response to the needs around us.


Click below to listen to homily and watch video:-

Click to live-stream Mass on 29 September 2024