Monday of the 1st Week of Lent – 27 February 2023 | 四旬期第⼀周的星期一 – 2023年2月27日 by Clare Loh En Rou (罗恩柔)

Readings for the day 每日读经:
English英文 –

In today’s Gospel Matthew 25: 40, Lord, you said “Whenever you did this for one of these, the least of my brothers, you did it for me.”
Since the Almighty God, our Father in heaven created this universe for us, we should help the needy as well as pray for them. While helping those in need, Lord, I realise that I am helping You and let Your Will be done. Lord, I pray that You always grant me strength and courage to help those in need.

在今天的玛窦福⾳第25章40节,主,祢说: “凡你们对我最小的兄弟中的一个所做的,就是对我做的。” 既然天父创下这宇宙给我们,我们应当多帮助一些有需要的人,多为他们祈祷。帮助这些无助的人,让我觉得我是在帮助祢、服从祢的旨意。祈求主赐给我更多的力量去帮助那些无助的人。

This is a personal reflection by Clare Loh En Rou (罗恩柔), Love Squad 2023 (Form 5 CEC student – Chinese)