21 February 2024 | Day 7 | Wednesday of the 1st Week of Lent | 第七天 – 四旬期第一个星期三 by Joshua Tan Wei Jent

Readings for the day 每日读经:
English英文 – https://universalis.com/mass.htm
Mandarin华文- https://www.ccreadbible.org/ccdaily

In Luke 11:30 of today’s Gospel reading, Jesus condemns the people who ask for a sign, and says that the only sign they will get is the sign of Jonah, who preached repentance to the Ninevites. God is trying to tell us in this verse that Jesus is the greatest sign of His love and salvation, and that we should not demand more evidence or miracles from Him. He is also telling us that we should repent of our sins and listen to His words, as He is greater than any prophet or king who came before him. He is challenging us to have faith and obedience, and not to be like the evil generation who rejected Him.


This is a personal reflection by Joshua Tan Wei Jent, Love Squad 2024 (Form 5 CEC student – English)