About Us
- To provide children with the opportunity to experience the word of God in a way that makes sense to them. Through songs, readings, guided questions and activities, the children are encouraged to talk about the liturgy and how God’s message can apply to their everyday lives.
- Giving children an opportunity to reflect on and celebrate the word of God at their own level and their own pace.
- Helping children to discover that the word of God has meaning in their lives now, as children.
- Introducing children to some of the symbols and movements of the liturgy.
- Giving them the experience of being part of a community of faith and playing an active part in it.
- Giving the parish an opportunity to share its faith with its youngest members in order to lead them into full and active involvement in the life of the parish.
- Supporting young families in their task of bringing up their children in faith.
- Making families with young children feel welcomed and appreciated as part of the parish community
Our Leaders (2023 – 2025)
Leader : Shirley Lim
Assistant Leader : Brenda Prudence
Activities in 2020
Due to Covid-19 Pandemic, CLOW activities have been suspended until further notice.